Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Nytt GPSSS Världsrekord idag!

  • larsd

    9 juni, 2012 vid 18:02

    Jurjen’s kommentarer på

    A huge personal best – highest average on GPSSS – Highest 2 sec. – great 500m. – on an open sea venue – with standard material: I’m very happy!

    The day started rather disappointing. The plan was to go to Da Curve with a big Rib. The motor of the Rib was broken so we couldn’t go. The alternative was The Brace. Â*Jacques and Hans were planning to go to Da Curve and also had motor problems with the water scooter. So they also went to The Brace. Â*

    As I parked the car the wind had already picked up. On the dike we measured 35 knots, gusting 43 knots. I decided to take my smallest sail, the Severne Reflex III 5.6 and my smallest board, the Starboard iSonic Speedspecial W44. I already knew this could be a very good day so I took my time to rig my gear as good as possible. Â*The guys from the Ghosts of Speed movie joined us and made some shots of 1 speedies rigging their gear to the max. Then the long long walk started to the sand bar, approx. 1800m.

    Because the wind was so strong the tide dropped faster the normal, so our time window was bigger. After 10 minutes the tide dropped enough, so Jacques and I went out. The other guys came 30 minutes later. From time to time the wind was hauling. The wind was between 38 and 50 knots. My first 2 runs 10 sec. were both 82 km/h. Nice peakspeeds, but the runs weren’t good enough. Jacques told me he was doing 87 km/h runs at that time. After that my runs became much faster, thanks Jacques ;). My third run was 85 km/h. My forth, sixth and seventh run were really fast, approx. 90 km/h (48.5 knots). My gear was perfectly balanced. Downwind a bit more wind wouldn’t had a problem, upwind 50 knots is really too much.

    The first place from Anders Bringdal came in sight. Two more fast runs and I was there. Â*At that time Jacques broke his mast and was out of the race, to bad. Hope you have better luck next time. My runs suddenly weren’t that fast anymore. 82..84..86..84..86…Hans was flying in the meantime doing very fast runs. Congratulations with your amazing run, Mr. Blue Steel!!

    My energy level dropped rapidly, so I decided to have a short brake. During my brake I noticed that my boom was more than 10 cm lower and my mastfoot had slid all the way to the front of the masttrack. Â*I quickly fixed it and used the last bit of energy I had left to do 2 more good runs. And yes, 2 more good runs I made! 2x 89 km/h with a good 500 meter and a very good peak of 50.51 knots. I decided to call it a day.

    Angelo and Walter were shooting pictures and film for The Ghost of Speed all day. For them it was also a great day. Hope you got some nice material for the movie.

    The way back was very easy this time, pumped up with adrenaline.

    The day ended great at Angelo’s place with some real Italian pasta and a nice cold beer!

  • mattias-j

    9 juni, 2012 vid 18:20

    Det är precis sådär man ska ha det när man har det som sämst! :laugh:
    Fatta vad god den ölen var för Jurjen!!!

  • andersbq

    9 juni, 2012 vid 22:09

    det är nåt fel på din kamera janne, många bilder ser ut som om nåt barn gått loss med filter i photoshop, och dragit alla reglar i botten!

  • marcus

    9 juni, 2012 vid 22:54

    Grymt !!!!!
    Kul att notera att de fyra senaste GPSS- toppplaceringarna varit från olika ställen/
    länder: (England, Namibia, Tyskland, Holland) ….

  • badjanne

    10 juni, 2012 vid 09:26

    Anders det är ingert fel på kameran. Däremot tycker jag det är kul att experimentera lite. Det heter HDR (High Dynamic Range photography) Man tar tre bilder med olika exponering och lägger samman dom i ett speciellt program. Där finns många reglage att dra i.

  • jester

    10 juni, 2012 vid 15:19

    Janne: Det var nog ironiskt… 🙂

  • andersbq

    10 juni, 2012 vid 16:44

    Jösses vad man lär sig oväntade saker här på surfzone.
    Det verkar vara en hel vetenskap


  • badjanne

    10 juni, 2012 vid 17:00

    Anders: Try HDR and you will like it and have a lot of fun when there is no wind

  • lbj

    10 juni, 2012 vid 20:59

    Oj då, …här kan man kanske lära sig något av en annan konstnär….. hälsningar Tina

  • flying-dutchman

    11 juni, 2012 vid 05:55
  • marden

    11 juni, 2012 vid 11:48

    nice…[ame=”″]GPS world record speedsurfing – Ghosts of Speed on Vimeo[/ame]

  • andersbq

    11 juni, 2012 vid 12:15

    Då ser t o m Luderitz ut som en barnlek jmf med det där!
    [ame=”″]Luderitz Speed Challenge 2011 on Vimeo[/ame]

  • tobhed

    11 juni, 2012 vid 12:17

    det där med speedwindsurfing ser livsfarligt ut…

  • surfan

    11 juni, 2012 vid 19:30

    Vattnet i TT är ju som i Egypten om man jämför med detta !!

  • larsd

    11 juni, 2012 vid 20:00

    Hur hopplöst är det inte för gubben 27 sekunder in i filmen, han har lyckats knäcka sin mast till och med innan ”the dreadful mud walk”…

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