Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Nytt speedrekord!

  • Nytt speedrekord!

    Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 12 april, 2005 vid 07:25

    48.70 knots set on Sunday 10 April at Saintes Maries de la Mer, France by Finian MAYNARD (IVB).

    41.25 knots also set on on Sunday 10 April at Saintes Maries de la Mer by Karine JAGGI (SUI).

    The current Outright Record is already held by Finian MAYNARD and stands at 46.82 knots set in Saintes Maries in November 2004. Before MAYNARD broke the record last year it had been held for over ten years at a speed of 46.52 knots set by Simon McKEON (AUS). Babethe COQUELLE holds the Outright Women’s Record with a speed set over ten years ago in July 1993 in Tarifa of 40.05 knots.

    dr-masse svarade 19 år, 9 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 5 Svar
  • 5 Svar
  • anonym-anvandare

    12 april, 2005 vid 16:27

    Fett asså! slog det gamla rekordet med 3,5 km/h, fett asså, 90,2 km/h,

  • anonym-anvandare

    13 april, 2005 vid 07:48

    The wind is down to less than 10-knots and the sun has warmed us for two days as the high pressure sets in over us here in the South of France.

    Reflecting back on the events of the weekend will take some time but it is clear at this stage that very, very fast times have been set in both of the men’s and women’s outright speedsailing categories!

    The sailing fraternity is listening now.

    This is windsurfing and we are quick.

    In fact, we are the fastest sailing craft in every type of sailing condition imaginable above 9-knots of wind. We can even sail in 60-knots of wind effectively with the right rider and equipment.

    Respect and recognition to every designer and tester for the past 20-years who has brought windsurfing from the days of cloth sails and wooden booms to the ultimate sailing discipline that will receive due exposure now with the explosion of the two world records.

    Impressions of the people involved with the record to follow in a few days plus a race report detailing some of the specifics of the equipment etc.

    Keep tuned and sit tight, 50 is just around the corner………..

  • adde

    13 april, 2005 vid 12:32

    Finian seglade ett produktions Stealth 5.0!

    Läs mer


  • Knatte

    13 april, 2005 vid 12:41

    Skönt att man äntligen har fått sitt Stealth 5.0 kvm då..Tydligen enda exemplaret i Sverige blush.gif
    Jag är fullt nöjd om man klämmer 32-34 knop under året cool.gif

  • dr-masse

    13 april, 2005 vid 12:46

    Det finns en video uppe på

    48.7 På!

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