Om DMI för den vetgirige
Kunde inte låta bli att kontakta DMI och berömma dem för de tillförlitliga, tydliga och informativa vindprognoskartora som i alla fall jag följer dagligen. Passade också på att fråga hur modellen bakom prognoserna ser ut. Nedan finner ni DMI:s svar. Är det någon annan som har mer intressant fakta om vindprognoser?
/RobertDear Robert
Thank you very much for your opinion on our website. We were a little
nervous, when we first put the windcharts on the site, but we have had a
lot of good feed back on them.The wind- and wavecharts are based on data from our HIgh Resolution
Limited Area Model HIRLAM. This model is a model of the atmosphere based
on the equations describing the atmospheric motions. The horisontal
resolution (the grid) of the model is 5 by 5 km and the equations are
solved in every gridpoint every 30 seconds 36 hours ahead in time, using
numerical techniques. So the four charts that you see is only a very
little portion of the data.And what you see is actually an example of the tools forecasters have in
todays meteorology.Yours sincerely
Søren Olufsen
Head, Central Forecasting Office
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