• hugeo

    10 oktober, 2006 at 21:49

    me myself and irene

  • wibban

    10 oktober, 2006 at 21:57

    Where is Parkvägen?

  • edorf

    10 oktober, 2006 at 22:30

    Yes i’ll be there.. at what time are you coming down tony ?

  • gh0st

    11 oktober, 2006 at 07:31

    Might tag along when I’ve finnished here at work.

  • pjoter

    11 oktober, 2006 at 13:30

    asså, parkvägen när de ligger lite på NO är inte det helt bästa stället. Side-offshore.
    Då funkar ju klagshamn norra rätt mkt bättre.

  • skotten

    11 oktober, 2006 at 19:59

    Fancy trying Klagshamn tomorrow and point out the rocks to me??

  • aka_kalle

    11 oktober, 2006 at 20:45

    fick ni nått åkt pojkar?

  • gh0st

    12 oktober, 2006 at 07:21

    Nej, var inte tillräckligt med vind alls tyvärr. Och vid 18:00 blev det helt vindstilla… inte ens gräset rörde sig.

  • petter_f

    12 oktober, 2006 at 07:47
    skotten wrote:
    Fancy trying Klagshamn tomorrow and point out the rocks to me??
    Tony, if you do go keep your eyes peeled for a skinny guy with white helmet. There’s a chance I’ll be going down there with w/s gear and me lady (still can’t bring myself to say wife yet). Did you say your kite was a camouflage thing?
  • jonaish

    12 oktober, 2006 at 07:59
    skotten wrote:
    skotten Tony

    Tony, Vomb today or tomorrow ??

    jävlar va vågor de e nu, å vind!!

  • skotten

    12 oktober, 2006 at 10:54
    Petter_F wrote:
    skotten wrote:
    Fancy trying Klagshamn tomorrow and point out the rocks to me??
    Tony, if you do go keep your eyes peeled for a skinny guy with white helmet. There’s a chance I’ll be going down there with w/s gear and me lady (still can’t bring myself to say wife yet). Did you say your kite was a camouflage thing?

    Hi petter!!, maybe see you down there mate!! If I aint going to the secret wave spot, I will come across for a cruise. Ha Ha, I always say the “woman”, or you could say “boss”, although I guess “ball and chain” isnt really your style hahaha..

    What do the swedish call their other halfs??

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