Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing PKRA Portugal

  • sidpiraya

    15 juni, 2006 vid 20:15

    Nice ….

  • fifi

    15 juni, 2006 vid 23:32

    gött, keep up the good work mtk!

  • fifi

    15 juni, 2006 vid 23:33

    Ankii ring när du e hemma igen…hänt mycket nytt nu vettu:)

  • magnush

    16 juni, 2006 vid 09:04

    Kommentar från igår:

    ”Mikael Blomvall had an epic day, his best ever on the PKRA tour, even having to borrow kites along the way to the finals. After Guilly, Mikael took on Rui Meira in a close heat. Rui ripped, hitting a big kiteloop handlepass (L3) and back mobe but carried his kite higher and missed most of his landings in the waves. The nailbiting action continued against Mallory, who had a slick nosegrab slim but also carried less variety and power. And in the final men’s heat of the day, Mikael battled it out with Etienne Lhote (F-One France). Etienne came out with a bang, blasting off a wave for a big air jump and getting the crowd cheering with a wave. Mikael, by this time tired and running out of energy, was still able to execute his textbook perfect KGB, slim, mobe and switch mobe, however lost a lot of time when he was ripped out of his board near the end of the heat. Etienne was not able to capitalize though, breaking his board going for a huge L3, coming in to switch it out but never managing to wrack up any more strong moves. Tomorrow Mikael will continue his charge for the winner’s podium, knowing he has at least secured 4th place overall.”

  • tuben

    16 juni, 2006 vid 12:00

    fan va gött!

    Kötta MIKE!

  • annas

    16 juni, 2006 vid 20:22

    Äntligen! Det e fan din tur nu Mike!

  • pepa

    17 juni, 2006 vid 20:57

    Det e fan på tiden! Fattar inte vad han har hållt på med innan det jävla ägget.

  • kicki

    18 juni, 2006 vid 10:04

    Leve kung Mike!!!!!! Du är värd det! med allt slit och alla motgångar!!! Du é så grymm!!!!

  • matthias

    19 juni, 2006 vid 09:25


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