Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Polacken som vill simma på kites Röda havet

  • jakobb

    26 februari, 2012 vid 10:16

    eeeeh va?

  • hattfan

    26 februari, 2012 vid 12:12
    jakobb;682352 wrote:
    eeeeh va?

    HAHA ja ehhh va?!

  • gadget

    28 februari, 2012 vid 04:35

    Google translate? 😀

  • virena

    28 februari, 2012 vid 17:18

    Precis som att vi säger att vi skall kita, säger polackerna att de skall simma när de kitar. För oss låter lite roligt, men har träffat väldigt många polacker som kitar och alla säger det samma. Så för dem är det helt ”normalt” och direkt översatt.

  • acemattias

    29 februari, 2012 vid 01:11

    Coolt, kita (simma) i piratvatten.

  • mtias

    2 mars, 2012 vid 23:53

    Han är tydligen saknad nu .. 🙁
    Hoppas han kommer tillrätta igen.

  • blow22

    3 mars, 2012 vid 15:44

    there’s been a dramatic request from the lost kitesurfer’s family at Polish kiteforum to anyone who has contacts in Saudi Arabia to maybe recommend a local contact who may be able to help in some way, because it’s become apparent now that Saudi’s SAR really struggle to find him, Local SAR will probably stop searching in about 90 minutes as it is getting dark over there, but maybe there is a chance to hire a private vessel and continue searching after it gets dark. The kitesurfer is unlikely to survive another night so if you think you can help, I’m publishing Janek’s family phone number which they published at Polish kiteforum: 0048 606264466.

    Jan LIsewski attempted to cross Red Sea from EL Gouna ( Egypt) to Duba ( Saudi Arabia) and has been lost at sea from 16:55 Central European time yesterday, his SARSAT sent last 911 HELP at 13:40 Central European time today, his last known location can be checked here:
    Saudi’s SAR struggle to locate him despite having exact coordinates.

  • gadget

    3 mars, 2012 vid 19:28

    Jag tyckte den förra resan var idiotisk och nog för att det är tragiskt om han omkommer så är det fortfarande idiotiskt!

  • lidde

    4 mars, 2012 vid 08:46

    Den försvunna polske kitesurfaren skickar fortfarande SOS meddelanden enligt hans vän Maciej Zimovski som skrivs på hans Facebook. Meddela familjen om du på något sätt kan hjälpa till, se telefonnummer nedan.

    Se länk för var kitesurfaren Janek senast befann sig.

    Lägger ut meddelandet igen:
    There’s been a dramatic request from the lost kitesurfer’s family at Polish kiteforum to anyone who has contacts in Saudi Arabia to maybe recommend a local contact who may be able to help in some way, because it’s become apparent now that Saudi’s SAR really struggle to find him, Local SAR will probably stop searching in about 90 minutes as it is getting dark over there, but maybe there is a chance to hire a private vessel and continue searching after it gets dark. The kitesurfer is unlikely to survive another night so if you think you can help, I’m publishing Janek’s family phone number which they published at Polish kiteforum: 0048 606264466.

  • lidde

    4 mars, 2012 vid 13:32

    Den polske kitesurfaren är nu funnen och är enligt uppgift levande.

    Meddelande från Maciej Zimovski som skrivs på hans Facebook.
    Message from the last minute! Referring to the twitter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radoslaw Sikorski, John Lisewski was found alive!

  • jakobb

    4 mars, 2012 vid 14:27

    undrar hur det kunde ta så lång tid att hitta honom

  • vogon-jeltz

    4 mars, 2012 vid 20:16

    Han är hittat nu och ligger på 7khus

  • kitemaster

    4 mars, 2012 vid 21:11

    Interview by PAP:

    You’ve left El Gouna on Friday morning with intention of covering a distance of 200 km and reaching Duba in Saudi Arabia. What had happened, that you send a SOS signal on 5 pm?

    I’ve waited for a week in El Gouna near Hurghada for good conditions, for good wind. Such a forecast, for all day, was for 2nd of March. I started in wind of 4 in Bft scale, which has later reach 5 Bft. When there was around 60 km till destination, the wind has suddenly died, just like fire blown from a match. There was no wind, the kite collapsed. After 1,5 hours nothing indicated that the wind will come back. Waves have, however, started to build up. Sun was setting down, so I called SOS. After about 3 hours I called it again.

    How did you spend the first night?
    In comparison to the second night, this one was peaceful, even though I didn’t think I would it in extreme conditions on the Red Sea. I’ve run out of beverage and I’ve had two liters of energy drink and water with glucose. I’ve earlier eaten two high caloric snack bars, so I had to keep a fast. I’ve drained a little air from tubes and made a raft with my board. During the night, the wind was back. I’ve drifted in the coast direction, but when the wind direction shifter, I was pushed back to the sea. It was like this all over again – one step forward, two steps back. In one moment I was about 30-40 km from shore. When I’ve seen fisherman’s boats I’ve fired a rocket, but they must’ve not seen it, as they didn’t react.

    Then the second night…
    At first I’ll say that I owe surviving it to my brother Piotr, who forced me to take a knife. Maybe he had some kind of premonition. I was pushed by the wind to the worst place, a reef, where sharks have been preying. They were about 2,5 to 6 meters. They attacked me through my kite, which must’ve also attracted them because of its colour. I stabbed them in the eyes, nose and gills. The fight, which I’ve miraculously survived, took whole night. By the morning, they were gone. There were eleven of them. On Sunday another species have been looking for me. These sharks have circled near my already frayed raft, but they didn’t attack.

    Did you have any hope after the second night, that you’ll be found before getting eaten by sharks?

    Of course, because hope dies last. It built up in me on Saturday afternoon, when a helicopter flew above me. I was sure that the crew had seen me, because they were waving. I responded, but that was all of our contact. It was similar with a boat. I thought, that it would nearly ram me. Not even close though. Maybe when the sun was shining, in big waves, I couldn’t be seen. In the end I’ve been collected by a military boat, with I think 6 people crew.

    You are after tests in hospital in Duba. What are the results?

    To doctors’ surprise very good and there has been a lot of tests. My arrival has caused a lot of confusion, but personnel is great. I would like to thank our consul Igor Kaczmarczyk, who has organized everything here, from the morning when he had arrived, and all the people who have been involved in the rescue action. I’ve already drunk several liters of water and juice for their health.

  • lidde

    4 mars, 2012 vid 21:13

    Janek berättar med egna ord.

    Interview by PAP:

    You’ve left El Gouna on Friday morning with intention of covering a distance of 200 km and reaching Duba in Saudi Arabia. What had happened, that you send a SOS signal on 5 pm?

    I’ve waited for a week in El Gouna near Hurghada for good conditions, for good wind. Such a forecast, for all day, was for 2nd of March. I started in wind of 4 in Bft scale, which has later reach 5 Bft. When there was around 60 km till destination, the wind has suddenly died, just like fire blown from a match. There was no wind, the kite collapsed. After 1,5 hours nothing indicated that the wind will come back. Waves have, however, started to build up. Sun was setting down, so I called SOS. After about 3 hours I called it again.

    How did you spend the first night?
    In comparison to the second night, this one was peaceful, even though I didn’t think I would it in extreme conditions on the Red Sea. I’ve run out of beverage and I’ve had two liters of energy drink and water with glucose. I’ve earlier eaten two high caloric snack bars, so I had to keep a fast. I’ve drained a little air from tubes and made a raft with my board. During the night, the wind was back. I’ve drifted in the coast direction, but when the wind direction shifter, I was pushed back to the sea. It was like this all over again – one step forward, two steps back. In one moment I was about 30-40 km from shore. When I’ve seen fisherman’s boats I’ve fired a rocket, but they must’ve not seen it, as they didn’t react.

    Then the second night…
    At first I’ll say that I owe surviving it to my brother Piotr, who forced me to take a knife. Maybe he had some kind of premonition. I was pushed by the wind to the worst place, a reef, where sharks have been preying. They were about 2,5 to 6 meters. They attacked me through my kite, which must’ve also attracted them because of its colour. I stabbed them in the eyes, nose and gills. The fight, which I’ve miraculously survived, took whole night. By the morning, they were gone. There were eleven of them. On Sunday another species have been looking for me. These sharks have circled near my already frayed raft, but they didn’t attack.

    Did you have any hope after the second night, that you’ll be found before getting eaten by sharks?

    Of course, because hope dies last. It built up in me on Saturday afternoon, when a helicopter flew above me. I was sure that the crew had seen me, because they were waving. I responded, but that was all of our contact. It was similar with a boat. I thought, that it would nearly ram me. Not even close though. Maybe when the sun was shining, in big waves, I couldn’t be seen. In the end I’ve been collected by a military boat, with I think 6 people crew.

    You are after tests in hospital in Duba. What are the results?

    To doctors’ surprise very good and there has been a lot of tests. My arrival has caused a lot of confusion, but personnel is great. I would like to thank our consul Igor Kaczmarczyk, who has organized everything here, from the morning when he had arrived, and all the people who have been involved in the rescue action. I’ve already drunk several liters of water and

  • lelleee

    5 mars, 2012 vid 01:03

    sjuukt, 11 hajar, steven seagal skills på den

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