Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing PRO Area, Habo

  • lima-ko

    28 maj, 2010 vid 12:53

    Ja, alla kan få ut något positivt av att ge de som lär sig lite extra utrymme.

    Den erfarne åkaren har ju full koll på sin egen drake, ofta utan att ens titta på den, och kan således även hålla koll på andra drakar i närheten. Därför är det inget problem att passera polaren som ska åt andra hållet så pass nära att man kan ge varandra en high five.

    Med någon som lär sig är det däremot tvärtom. De har bara koll på sin egen drake, ibland knappt det ;). Närmar sig en annan kajtare ser han/hon denne i ögonvrån och tittar naturligtvis dit. I början styr man ofta dit man tittar med blicken och pang så sitter draken i huvudet på den erfarne snubben, som ”bara” ville impa lite på den söta kvinnliga instruktören =).

    wiken;614216 wrote:
    Dags att uppdatera skylten med spotinfo?

    Skyltar i all ära men i det här fallet tror jag det går lika bra med ”word of mouth”, eller båda.
    I St. Kilda hade de inga skyltar utan vi som undervisade var väldigt noga med att informera alla vi undervisade om zonerna. Om någon ”hamnade fel” förklarade vi snällt hur det fungerar och varför vi har det så, i stort sett alla var förstående, det handlar ju om deras egen säkerhet.

  • call3

    28 maj, 2010 vid 13:23

    gott snack

    [ame=””]YouTube- Hata Göteborg – Gott Snack[/ame]

  • lima-ko

    28 maj, 2010 vid 13:48

    No offense, ganska kul klipp.
    Men vad har det egentligen med tråden att göra?

  • call3

    28 maj, 2010 vid 14:07

    du sammanställde det så fint precis som svennis, på sätt och vis

  • johanw

    28 maj, 2010 vid 14:15
    Call3;614231 wrote:

    hhaha hata gbg najs film 😀

  • sourra

    28 maj, 2010 vid 17:42

    Fast du älskar ju Göteborg JW. Tranqan står här och väntar på nästa besök.

  • johanw

    28 maj, 2010 vid 18:53
    sourra;614287 wrote:
    Fast du älskar ju Göteborg JW. Tranqan står här och väntar på nästa besök.

    De vet du kompis!!

  • acemattias

    28 maj, 2010 vid 20:49

    @skotten 613918 wrote:

    ok, this may not be popular with everyone, but it was discussed a couple of years ago behind the scenes and was abandoned because it felt it was unfair in many aspects..

    However, its now clear that Habo is becoming so busy that it needs to be at least discussed….. so, being the master of controversy in here, I will put it out there.

    How about separating the advanced riders from the guys that are learning to ride?, meaning.. if you cant ride unhooked, or at least have the ability to look behind you before you jump or tack, then you shouldnt be in the ”pro” area?

    I know that habo is big, we have a lot of space, more than most.. but guidelines would be nice. Opinions and proposals please.


    And you will of cause be the only one authorized to give a Pro license for that zone, right.:smirk:

    I say, if you are a Pro and need more space go abroad to were there’s more wind and room, your bad if you spend all $ on gas and are stuck in habo.
    Im sweden we got a solidaric view on public access, some guidlines are acceptable but i doubt you will ever se a Pro zone here, and how does that combine with your surfer love attitude anyway?:confused2:

  • lima-ko

    28 maj, 2010 vid 20:55

    Diskussionen har utvecklats, missade du detta Mattias?

    Lima-ko;614177 wrote:
    Precis, det får bli ett gemensamt ansvar för alla som åker där.

    För att göra det lättare för båda parter och slippa diskussioner som den du ger exempel på tycker jag INTE man ska kalla det PRO area. Att kroka ur och köra handle passes är inte allas mål, trots att de är riktigt bra på att kajta. Därför tycker jag det är bättre att dra gränsen vid att man kan köra upwind.
    Kalla det snarare något i still med freeride area och learning area.

    Freeride area
    #Här ska man kunna åka uppvind
    #Man ska ha koll på och följa väjningsreglerna:
    1 Upwind=kajt upp, downwind=kajt ner
    2 Samma höjd, personen med kajten till höger (styrbord) tar upp kajten. Personen med kajten till vänster åker lite downwind och håller ner kajten.
    3 Kajtare på stranden har företräde eftersom det är ”farligare” på stranden än i vattnet.
    # Ingen undervisning, varken från skolor eller polare som lär polare. Så tillvida de inte uppfyller rekommendationerna ovan.

    Learning area
    # Här får vem som helst åka
    # Rent naturligt kommer skolorna och andra noviser hålla till här
    # Om de som kan köra upwind väljer att köra här ska de man minst 30 m säkerhetsavstånd downwind från skolor och noviser, annars får de räkna med en kajt i huvudet.
    Upwind från skolor och noviser gäller sunt förnuft men man ska ha i åtanke att utan förvarning kan de från att ha kajten kontrollerat vid 10 styra över den till 3 snabbt som skabb.

    Vad tror ni om detta?
    Så här var det som jag tidigare sa i St. Kilda, Australien. Där funkade det alldeles utmärkt, med 4 skolor-ca 20 instruktörer och säkert 60 andra kajtare.

  • acemattias

    28 maj, 2010 vid 21:01
    Lima-ko;614337 wrote:
    Diskussionen har utvecklats, missade du detta Mattias?

    Tycker att första inlägget hintar om att författaren gärna sett en Pro zone, det var det jag komenterade även om han redan backat senare i tråden.

  • lima-ko

    28 maj, 2010 vid 21:18
    skotten;613918 wrote:
    ok, this may not be popular with everyone, but it was discussed a couple of years ago behind the scenes and was abandoned because it felt it was unfair in many aspects..

    However, its now clear that Habo is becoming so busy that it needs to be at least discussed….. so, being the master of controversy in here, I will put it out there.

    How about separating the advanced riders from the guys that are learning to ride?, meaning.. if you cant ride unhooked, or at least have the ability to look behind you before you jump or tack, then you shouldnt be in the ”pro” area?

    I know that habo is big, we have a lot of space, more than most.. but guidelines would be nice. Opinions and proposals please.

    Det är mer rubriken som klingar lite illa. Förslagen i fet stil tycker jag är bra.

  • skotten

    28 maj, 2010 vid 22:52

    haha mattais, seriously mate, get off my back. We were talking about this long before you were even registered on the forum. We just avoided it because it felt arrogant.

    But things change, its so busy now that its difficult to know everyone personally and if they are going to send their kite up to 12 oclock in front of you. By having a freshman area just for people to the south of the pier, two things happen;

    1. People that are more likely to have an accident wont hit anything on the campsite that SKOTTEN has to pay for and fix (theres your surferlove right there mate) or wipe out camping guests and subsequently get us banned from Habo. Instead they land in the lagoon! – Much safer?

    2. The more experienced riders dont have to worry about someone crashing into their kite and fucking it all up on the second day they have used it – Hmm didnt this just happen in habo?

    Read the thread, this was all about discussion and feedback, I was never making any demands…

    Follow us on FB and Twitter!!

  • skotten

    29 maj, 2010 vid 00:02

    Pro area, Newbie area, different words, same amazing end result? nice that some people read my post and then the thread before posting something haha…

    Anyway Mattias… We were talking about this long ago on the beach.. Before Nick was in Austrailia, before the Pier was in habo even… We just avoided it because it felt arrogant.

    But things change, more and more people have mentioned it to me about things becoming chaotic, its just so busy now that its difficult to know everyone personally and if they are going to send their kite up to 12 oclock in front of you. Someone had to say something.. By having a freshman area just for people to the south of the pier, two things happen;

    1. People that are more likely to have an accident wont hit anything on the campsite that SKOTTEN has to pay for and fix (theres your surferlove) or wipe out camping guests and subsequently get us banned from Habo. Instead they land in the lagoon! – Much safer?

    2. The more experienced riders dont have to worry about someone crashing into their brand new kite and fucking it all up on the second day they have used it – it happens….

    remember Mattias attitude is just as important as riding ability on the beach and in the water… Now that I have the spare parts for the roof, you want to come help me fix it? PM me your number and I can call you, then I come pick you up.. I dont mind being at home all winter, so I will cover the gas money : )

    Follow us on FB and Twitter!!

  • skotten

    29 maj, 2010 vid 00:28

    Pro area, Newbie area, different words, same amazing end result? who said anything about a ”pass”? did I miss that?

    Anyway Mattias… We were talking about this long ago on the beach.. Before Nick was in Austrailia, before the Pier was in habo even… about the time ”team vidrig” were puking on one another, Pewe rode prada, and killed a fish with his board.. We just avoided it because it felt arrogant.

    But things change, more and more people have mentioned it to me about things becoming chaotic, its just so busy now that its difficult to know everyone personally and if they are going to send their kite up to 12 oclock in front of you. Someone had to say something.. By having a freshman area just for people to the south of the pier, two things happen;

    1. People that are more likely to have an accident wont hit anything on the campsite that SKOTTEN has to pay for and fix (theres your surferlove) or wipe out camping guests and subsequently get us banned from Habo. Instead they land in the lagoon! – Much safer?

    2. The more experienced riders dont have to worry about someone crashing into their brand new kite and fucking it all up on the second day they have used it – it happens….

    remember Mattias attitude is just as important as riding ability on the beach and in the water… Now that I have the spare parts for the roof, you want to come help me fix it?, or, are you nowhere near Habo, have no contribution to make in this discussion and are only posting comments to assault my personality? ; )

    Follow us on FB and Twitter!!

  • lima-ko

    29 maj, 2010 vid 08:00
    skotten;614370 wrote:
    Pro area, Newbie area, different words, same amazing end result? who said anything about a ”pass”? did I miss that?

    remember Mattias attitude is just as important as riding ability on the beach and in the water… Now that I have the spare parts for the roof, you want to come help me fix it?, or, are you nowhere near Habo, have no contribution to make in this discussion and are only posting comments to assault my personality? ; )

    Det där kallar jag att ge svar på tal. Vet inte om ni har någon direkt översättning för det ordstävet på engelska?
    Du har mycket bra tankar och en bra attityd skotten, jag börjar gilla dig mer och mer =).

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Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing PRO Area, Habo

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