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  • Proffesional Canopy repair in Sweden?

    Publicerad av isidro på 25 augusti, 2013 vid 20:57


    I was wondering if anyone has any suggestion to get a proffesional repair on Kite canopies in Sweden? I have a rip of around 2 cm on a North Rebel, quite far from the struts and leading edge so I believe is an easy one. With my poor swedish I’m having troubles to find one on the web.

    Many thanks!

    regfellow svarade 11 år, 6 månader sedan 6 Medlemmar · 7 Svar
  • 7 Svar
  • *********

    26 augusti, 2013 vid 05:06

    Surfers in Varberg ( or Anna Kettisen she´s really good at fixing kites tele: 0733-33 99 35

    Good luck!

  • marcus_h

    26 augusti, 2013 vid 08:39

    If you’re in the stockholm area, Björn’s segelvård would be a good choice. He’s gotten loads of great testimonials!

  • pjoter

    26 augusti, 2013 vid 17:54

    If it´s just 2 cm in the canopy it´s just to tape it with spinnakertejp (engelska spinnakertape maybe?) on both sides and you are done.

    Have had a couple of small rips like that on the schoolkites and it´s just to tape.

    Clean the area, let it dry.
    Cut two pieces of the tape, round the corners
    Put the kite on something hard so you dont get any wrinkles
    Tape on one side, turn it over and on the other side.
    Done, go surf!

    If you are unlucky the tape will fall of after a year or two and you need to fix it again.

  • isidro

    26 augusti, 2013 vid 19:48

    Thanks all for your suggestions!

  • mericsson

    26 augusti, 2013 vid 19:51

    If you’re in southern Sweden, these guys are great. Fixed my canopy, hardly noticeable!

  • _dave

    27 augusti, 2013 vid 11:22

    Agree with the tape suggestion. I’d add that the thicker kind of tape called insignia tape (the stuff they use to make sail numbers) seems to hold up a bit better than the super thin spinnaker tape. In any case one trick is to really warm the tape up before you peel the backing paper off. Then the glue gets nice and sticky.

  • regfellow

    27 augusti, 2013 vid 19:46

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