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Protecting the nose of your board?
Publicerad av brett74 på 28 november, 2013 vid 16:32What do most of you guys reccomend for a good system for protecting your board from high speed mast impact during less than optimal amounts of control dismounts ?
I have seen both protectors on the board and on the mast…what do you like and why? I have two Isonic Carbons and read they are quite fragile…spinl svarade 11 år, 2 månader sedan 9 Medlemmar · 13 Svar -
13 Svar
I wouldn’t recommend any nose protection that sits on the actual nose. If the impact is big enough to cause a crack despite the nose protection you wouldn’t see it and if you keep on sailing with it it will start sucking water. The mast/boom pads would be a better choice I believe.
Theres this thing called “the deviator” as well but from what I’ve heard it might ruin your mast foot cassette instead of the nose and thats much harder to repair and not something I would do myself.
My recommendation is to simply keep a ding repair kit in your accessory bag. has one that will get you back on the water in 10 minutes or so.
Starboard has nose protection as an accessory. They have actually one for each model, also Isonic. There are quite many rental centers using those so I guess they are quite good but never tried it myself. I have ordered one board with this protection attached to test it. Unifiber also have an allround system which is quite basic and maybe good. If you use unifiber you need to secure you get the padding covering the edge so the mast can not hit the board. It is possible to attache it wrong or to chose to small version.
I have been using the JP soft nose protector for two sesasons now , Maby not the most stylish looking solution but i works. For a beginner like me learning to vindsurf on a new board it has been very helpful.
The only modification I have made is adding a larger hard top surface to distrubute the load a bit better at the tip of the board. In action: [video=vimeo;73702093][/video]
Thanks for the replies and the cool video !! Think I will get one of the on mast types seeing as though I have two boards.
Sheet in when you fall. Avoid sailing into rocks and flytbryggor. Repair when needed.
That’s basically it.
(honestly, if the impact is solid, no protection will help much if anything)
I’m with drMasse on this! But I’ll tweek it a little… Don’t ever sheet out when speeding in anger, that is a guaranteed fail… Your equipment is really good, and can handle speeds amazingly well, as long as you trust them. With slalom and speed equipment it is usually the rig that takes the most damage. Broken battens, masts and sails in that order. And of course fins on shallow waters with rocks on the bottom (wich can lead to damaged fin boxes, or boards… Been there, done that)…
Masse +!
If you have control problems, maybe the carbon Isonics are not for you! The is already sufficent amount of padding at the fot of your race sail!I read in your other thread about sails. Race sails will help you get more control over your isonics since they exert more downward force on your mastfoot.
SpinL, om det är du på filmen så kan du sluta kalla dig nybörjare. Jag tycker att du ser ut att segla som de allra flesta.
Ja, jag är väl i något mellanläge just nu. Ville mest visa på att nosskydd kan vara vettigt när man är nybörjare. Har kört samma setup sen jag började för två år sedan och fått massvis med slag på nosen under den tiden.
Grym film SpinL !! varför kör du inte underhandsgrepp på den främre handen?
Kul att ni gillade den! Känns som vi kommer ifrån ämnet lite här.
Har märkt att jag sällan kör underhandgrepp när det är vågor/hopp. Känns som att man är snabbare på att parera med överhandsgrepp i de situationerna. Har också märkt att jag av någon anledning håller händerna längre fram på bommen när jag har vinden in från vänster (babord).
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