PWA NYTT! Hawaii Pro uppskjutet/inställt
PWA Hawaii Pro är uppskjutet pga sponsorproblem! Om det körs så blir det i höst, gissninsvis oktober/november och då som sista tävling (efter sylt) på PWA touren. Kan bli en bra avslutning på säsongen…
Kanske en sammanslagning med Aloha Classic??
I am sure both the fans and the sailors will be disappointed that they will now have to wait to see the best of the best at Hookipa. Nevertheless, we are confident that the lead time we have gained through the postponement will ensure we can put together a world class event that will be a critical component of this year’s Wave Championship and a great success for our sponsors and for windsurfing as a whole.
– Jimmy Diaz, PWA Chairman/adde
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