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  • rec.windsurfing..

    Publicerad av wiseguy på 16 oktober, 2003 vid 10:25

    ..är en rätt bra och populär usenetgrupp för windsurfers worldwide. Kan vara värt å kolla in om ni vill ha info från vida världen!

    andreas-t svarade 20 år, 11 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar
  • andreas-t

    16 oktober, 2003 vid 10:46

    Ja, det är en klassiker! Fanns redan långt innan www:andet kom igång. (Minns ni NCSA Mosaic 1.0 från 1993, förresten. Den första allmänt spridda webbläsaren.) Vill man ha info om äldre prylar eller tävlingar, så går det bra att söka bland äldre inlägg via

    Apropå tråden om indoor windsurfing, så gjorde jag på skoj en sökning och hittade följande inlägg av Juri Munkki från 1992 (!)

    “A few weeks ago (March 13, 1992), the EuroSport channel had full
    coverage of the indoor windsurfing event in Paris. I didn’t know about
    it, so I missed it when they showed it live and I only recently got the
    program on video.

    Indoor windsurfing is divided into two disciplines. The slalom is raced
    with either three or four sailors at a time in the 30 m x 50 m pool. The
    start is made from automatic gates that open one at a time with the most
    downwind gate opening first. This seems to give a good advantage for the
    first one on the water.

    The buoys are placed 35 meters apart, so the racers barely have the time
    to get enough speed to jibe before they have to get around the mark. The
    size of the course also means that there’s very little room for jibing.
    If the leading sailor falls during a jibe, it is very likely that the
    others will also fall.

    In addition to the slalom course, a jumping ramp can also be lowered
    into the pool. Almost all of the competitors seemed to hate the ramp.
    It’s very easy to get stuck in the ramp unless you are sailing
    accurately enough. A lot of fins were lost and Anders Bringdal broke his
    mast. Robby Naish gave the finger to the ramp after a particularly nasty
    crash at the ramp. ” (Inlägget var mycket längre, men jag klippte här.)

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