Renting vacation rentals on Maui is comming to an end !!!!!!
Fick ett mail under morgonen……
Aloha Friends,
Now is the time to speak up against the county’s decision to shut down all
vacation rentals. It has become a crucial issue, and is very serious. We
need your support.
We ask you please to take a few minutes and go to this resident’s petition
and tell them your opinion.
Just click on the link below
Resident‚s Petition
HYPERLINK http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/MauiResidents
You can cut and paste this opinion to:
Thank you for your time and support.
With so much Love,
Ranjana and RonSer inte bra ut… Kanske läge att lägga ett par minuter på att tycka till…
Kvar finns bara resorts och hotell som kostar 1500/natten..
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