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  • Ritning Skimboard

    Publicerad av sioman på 2 juli, 2007 vid 06:25

    Ingen svarar i forumet ”andra brädsporter” testar här istället…:crazy:

    Alla verkar veta vart det finns ritningar till skimboard… ”sök på google” hittar inget kan någon vänlig själ länka? eller skicka via msn/e-post..:laugh: :tongue:

    swe skimmer svarade 17 år, 4 månader sedan 19 Medlemmar · 47 Svar
  • 47 Svar
  • hellgren

    2 juli, 2007 vid 06:46

    SiomaN, om du får tag i nått via mailen så får du gärna skicka det vidare till mig..

  • sioman

    2 juli, 2007 vid 10:26

    Japp det skall jag göra!

  • lex-luthor

    2 juli, 2007 vid 10:38

    Eller posta det här!

  • hellgren

    2 juli, 2007 vid 13:30

    Antingen eller..

  • sioman

    2 juli, 2007 vid 15:35


  • sioman

    2 juli, 2007 vid 15:36

    Kom igen! jag vet att ni har något liggande i datorn…. Har material nu med..

  • kamaaina

    2 juli, 2007 vid 16:06

    Måtten kan vara väldigt individuella, när jag gjorde en under 90-talet så sågade jag bara ut något som jag tyckte såg bra ut…ungefär som en ”droppe” runt metern lång och kanske 40-50cm bred. Plywood funkar bäst och är billigt. Resten står här….

    – Obviously you are going to need a piece of wood. What kind of wood you ask? I don’t know. But I have been told that mahogany plywood is best if you are not going to coat it with fiberglass and birch is pretty good for boards that are going to be covered. 3/8 & 1/2 inch thicknesses are common.

    – After you find your piece of wood, you are going to want to shape it. First you are going to need to figure out what shape you want. I recommend making a trace of another board that you like onto the plywood. After you do this you can just cut it out if you want to make a ”replica” of the other board or you can make slight adjustments to the shape as you see fit. Once you are *sure* you have traced out the shape you want, cut it out. Assuming you were able to cut it out smoothly, you can now begin shaping. Shaping consists of rounding off the rails and making sure all the edges make nice smooth curves. There are many different types of rails and picking which kind is best for you can only be accomplished through trial and error.

    – Next you want to put some rocker into it. Rocker is the ’skim’ name for the curvature in the nose (if you don’t know this, please just buy one 🙂 ). The first step is to soak the board in water for one or two days in water. This softens the board up so that it is flexible. The best way to actually add the curvature is to use clamps. Lay the board on a table of some sort. Place a piece of wood (or other hard object) about 1 inches thick under the nose. Then clamp the board to the table. It would be best to use another piece of wood on top of the board to get the rocker to be even all the way across. Don’t clamp too hard cause it will crack the wood! Leave the board for 2 days or so to dry. An alternative method is to put suspend the board by putting blocks under the nose and ”tail”. Then put a heavy weight in the ”middle” of the board to bend it a little. The amount of rocker can be adjusted by adjusting the height of the blocks. Leave it overnight or longer. Example Photo

    – Finally your going to want to coat it with something to keep the water out. Waterlogged boards suck. Even wood ones. I’ve heard of people using all sorts of stuff to do this. You can glass it with a layer of 6 ounce cloth or just coat it. I would use some type of resin for a coat only approach. Preferably a polyester based resin (not epoxy). You can generally find resin at a marine or aircraft supply store. Once you have the resin just brush it on in a thin coat and cover everything. If you are using fiberglass you may want to put a sealer on top of the fiberglass as well. You may also consider doing this only on the bottom. When its done, sand out the imperfections in the coat and presto, a wood skimboard.

  • kamaaina

    2 juli, 2007 vid 16:08

    Här har du en bild oxå….

  • sioman

    2 juli, 2007 vid 16:28

    Tack 😀 Jag gjorde en egen form innan men mer rund i botten.. tack för hjälpen 🙂 Jag har material så jag kan göra en till efter dina instruktioner=)=)=)

  • sioman

    2 juli, 2007 vid 16:30

    Vad ska man ha för dekal då?:)

  • stinger

    2 juli, 2007 vid 18:48

    Mr Zogs sexwax förstås 🙂

  • sioman

    2 juli, 2007 vid 20:20

    @stinger 394091 wrote:

    Mr Zogs sexwax förstås 🙂

    Vart kan man hitta det`? vad kostar det?

  • mes

    3 juli, 2007 vid 18:35

    @Kamaaina 394058 wrote:

    Måtten kan vara väldigt individuella, när jag gjorde en under 90-talet så sågade jag bara ut något som jag tyckte såg bra ut…ungefär som en ”droppe” runt metern lång och kanske 40-50cm bred. Plywood funkar bäst och är billigt. Resten står här….

    – Obviously you are going to need a piece of wood. What kind of wood you ask? I don’t know. But I have been told that mahogany plywood is best if you are not going to coat it with fiberglass and birch is pretty good for boards that are going to be covered. 3/8 & 1/2 inch thicknesses are common.

    – After you find your piece of wood, you are going to want to shape it. First you are going to need to figure out what shape you want. I recommend making a trace of another board that you like onto the plywood. After you do this you can just cut it out if you want to make a ”replica” of the other board or you can make slight adjustments to the shape as you see fit. Once you are *sure* you have traced out the shape you want, cut it out. Assuming you were able to cut it out smoothly, you can now begin shaping. Shaping consists of rounding off the rails and making sure all the edges make nice smooth curves. There are many different types of rails and picking which kind is best for you can only be accomplished through trial and error.

    – Next you want to put some rocker into it. Rocker is the ’skim’ name for the curvature in the nose (if you don’t know this, please just buy one 🙂 ). The first step is to soak the board in water for one or two days in water. This softens the board up so that it is flexible. The best way to actually add the curvature is to use clamps. Lay the board on a table of some sort. Place a piece of wood (or other hard object) about 1 inches thick under the nose. Then clamp the board to the table. It would be best to use another piece of wood on top of the board to get the rocker to be even all the way across. Don’t clamp too hard cause it will crack the wood! Leave the board for 2 days or so to dry. An alternative method is to put suspend the board by putting blocks under the nose and ”tail”. Then put a heavy weight in the ”middle” of the board to bend it a little. The amount of rocker can be adjusted by adjusting the height of the blocks. Leave it overnight or longer. Example Photo

    – Finally your going to want to coat it with something to keep the water out. Waterlogged boards suck. Even wood ones. I’ve heard of people using all sorts of stuff to do this. You can glass it with a layer of 6 ounce cloth or just coat it. I would use some type of resin for a coat only approach. Preferably a polyester based resin (not epoxy). You can generally find resin at a marine or aircraft supply store. Once you have the resin just brush it on in a thin coat and cover everything. If you are using fiberglass you may want to put a sealer on top of the fiberglass as well. You may also consider doing this only on the bottom. When its done, sand out the imperfections in the coat and presto, a wood skimboard.

    Tack för det…nu blev man ju pysselsugen…har dessutom en finfin skimboardstrand 5 km bort… 1 inch rocker står det…antar att dom menar scoop!? Hur ska brädan se ut i profil på ett ungefär? Jag håller på att göra en CAD-modell med tillhörande ritning (=nörd…) bara för att slappna av efter jobbet men kom på att jag inte vet rocker och scoop och övrig bottenkurva. Någon hint?
    🙂 Nööördo

  • sioman

    3 juli, 2007 vid 21:33

    @mes 394375 wrote:

    Tack för det…nu blev man ju pysselsugen…har dessutom en finfin skimboardstrand 5 km bort… 1 inch rocker står det…antar att dom menar scoop!? Hur ska brädan se ut i profil på ett ungefär? Jag håller på att göra en CAD-modell med tillhörande ritning (=nörd…) bara för att slappna av efter jobbet men kom på att jag inte vet rocker och scoop och övrig bottenkurva. Någon hint?
    🙂 Nööördo

    Lägga upp Cad ritningen som bild?:D min blev klar idag:P bara lacken får torkat en ska det åkas:D

  • mes

    3 juli, 2007 vid 21:37

    @SiomaN 394413 wrote:

    Lägga upp Cad ritningen som bild?:D min blev klar idag:P bara lacken får torkat en ska det åkas:D

    Jag kan ju lägga upp en ritning men måste ju ha en vettig bottenkurva. Utan att veta så skulle jag tippa på 2.5 cm scoop frå nos och 4 dm bakåt och en rocker på 1 cm sista 30 cm…??? Dvs cirkus 40 cm platt på mitten…

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