Senaste Windsurf, utan ”recommendations” ?
Hej på er,
I senaste Windsurf så finns det med lite test på vågbrädor och vågsegel. Dock så har deras ”recommendations” uteblivit, jag var nyfiken och frågade varför, här är svaret för er som undrar:
— Tris Best, Windsurf UK —
As for ‘recommending’ boards and sails, it is something we have consciously tried to refine. We haven’t had any complaints, but discussing the issue with the team as a whole, what we are trying to do is direct people to the boards/sails that are ideal for them. So, rather than just doing a blanket recommendation we are trying to pigeon-hole each product for a specific user. Of course, if a product has masses of all round user appeal, it will come recommended for most people…and we certainly still intend to highlight products that fully deserve it!The reason for this change is to try and stop people just reading the verdicts and making their minds up from one sentence. We dispensed with the scores for this exact reason – people were just adding up all the scores and making their judgement on which product got the highest overall score, which of course gives a totally false impression. So basically we are trying to get the reader to read the tests in full, making them get a much clearer picture of the board/sail, so that they can make a proper, informed decision on whether it is for them or not.
Hope this makes sense. As I said, if we believe a product has universal appeal, it will of course be recommended, but otherwise we are trying to direct the product to a specific rider style, weight or ability.
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