Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Off Topic shaving the general ass area – part 2

  • shaving the general ass area – part 2

    Publicerad av skotten på 4 juni, 2008 vid 07:34

    ok well, now that its summer again, its time for my annual arse shave.. as most of you remember I was having problems.. I just cant see how its possible..

    I want all your tips, from one foor on the toilet standing over a mirror, all the way to biting down on a piece of wood with a petrol driven epilator…

    Diagrams would be especially appreciated.

    skotten svarade 16 år, 6 månader sedan 13 Medlemmar · 24 Svar
  • 24 Svar
  • skejtar_henke

    4 juni, 2008 vid 07:46

    näääää inte nu igen..

  • hbgkitare

    4 juni, 2008 vid 07:48

    Hair-removalcream, just rub it in and wash it off!
    Just ask some nice bikinichick on Ribban to rub it in for you then go kitesurfing nude and do a assdip instead of a headdip.

  • skotten

    4 juni, 2008 vid 08:09

    yeah but its kinna like camel pubic hair, you know the stuff you could make a barb wire fence from… you sure that the cream could remove it??

    in fact how does everyone else do it, cos I refuse to believe I am the only polar bear on the beach…

  • nundy

    4 juni, 2008 vid 08:10

    Kan vi inte skramla ihop till en permanent laserbehandling så slipper vi den inre synen av skottens håriga behind varje år vid denna tidpunkten. Och ännu värre i ställningar som vanligtvis förunnas människor av det kvinnliga könet!

    Jag kan tänka mig att bidra med 1,50 kr

  • wibban

    4 juni, 2008 vid 08:39

    Hypnotisera stackarn så att han själv tror att han inte har något hår… Visst blir det nog ganska jobbigt för oss när han ska gå runt och visa upp sin ”hårlösa” rumpa som är allt annat än hårlös men vad gör vi inte får Skotten.

  • farbrorfraz

    4 juni, 2008 vid 08:54

    Skotten, if you are the man you claim to be (I suppose you claim to be a man), waxing is the only way to go. Brazilian style! or just tie that afro of yours to the chickenloop and to a kiteloop. newschool bodydrag! assdrag!

    Or use Fire! on of those habo-party-nights, just stick your ass in the fire. POOFF =)

  • johnk

    4 juni, 2008 vid 09:24

    I can recommend the brazilian skotten. It hurts like hell, but the ass is the easy part. If a brazilian is painful boxing match, the ass is the massage afterwards.

    And take my advice and DONT jump into very salty ocean water directly after 🙂 I can’t stress that enough.

  • kamikazekiteren

    4 juni, 2008 vid 10:25

    You are so fucking hairy, use your ”gressklipper!

  • skotten

    4 juni, 2008 vid 13:24

    waxing it would be a laugh wouldnt it… should we get wasted??

  • pjoter

    4 juni, 2008 vid 13:53

    think fire is the way to go mate… use ”festival-olja”, it will just burn as long as you have hair left. if it feels a bit warm afterward you can use ”kylbalsam” or ”mjukglass” to cool the area down.

  • mushu

    4 juni, 2008 vid 16:38
  • krillan82

    4 juni, 2008 vid 17:56

    be tina om hjällp för fan

  • blackadder

    4 juni, 2008 vid 18:21

    Try gasoline and a match…

  • skotten

    5 juni, 2008 vid 06:23

    luckily I know a guy who knows a guy with a lazer!! maybe I should give it a try!!! dunno if he sounds so reliable though, he says everyone calls him ”dr evil”, and he has a midget look-alike or something…

  • blackadder

    5 juni, 2008 vid 15:52

    @skotten 472653 wrote:

    luckily I know a guy who knows a guy with a lazer!! maybe I should give it a try!!! dunno if he sounds so reliable though, he says everyone calls him ”dr evil”, and he has a midget look-alike or something…

    Here the solution: Cut a big hole in your wet suit around the hairy parts. Put your harness on and launch a big kite. Then sit your ass down on, lets say a free-way, and just pull as hard as you can on one side of the handle bar. Continue in this manner until there’s no hair.

    Or you could go find a fox with scabies. Rub the fox over your ass (this can be difficult and you might want to consider giving the fox soporific before engaging the rubbing). This should rid you very effectively from the hair. The method comes with a few side-effects and goes by the name ”rövskabb”.

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