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Ska det här bli ny standard på vågbrädorna?
j-s svarade 17 år, 3 månader sedan 23 Medlemmar · 57 Svar
Förvisso…Men sen tillbringar de ju mer tid på akuten med trasiga ben och så än en vindsurfare…;)
OBS!!! Ironi!!!! -
Vissa drömmer om någon slags ws-rigg som drar uppåt som kite:arnas gör vid fall.
(I denna tråd finns också att läsa att kite:arna sprängt 100 km/h-vallen!)
Hur kom det sig att två och tre fenors alternativen försvann förra gången? Är inte det frågan man ska ställa sig?
En footballfin med två thrusters var jävligt bra en gång i tiden…
De finns kvar, men det är som sagt lite beroende på vad som är “rätt” på
olika ställen.
Typ en bräda som är shapad för Peahi skulle kanske inte funka som
shapern avsett i Roxen, men skulle kanske vara kul för “rätt” person
ändå!Vem minns inte de bananböjda Tarifa brädorna för ett par år sedan?
Hade för ett helt gäng år sedan en konversation med Les på Gorge Animal
gällande hans Bonzers, och han sade att det inte var märkbart med
“drag/slogg” känsla med fem fenor (80:or) om det bara blåste mer än
Och jag kan (av egen erfarenhet) säga att min Twinzer 255:a inte känns
trög alls över 20!
Så det är som vanligt i betraktarens öga det avgörs!Kul att man har olika åsikter! Bara man vågar prova något!
Må gott! Kör hårt! Ha kul!
@CharlieB 420532 wrote:
Hur kom det sig att två och tre fenors alternativen försvann förra gången? Är inte det frågan man ska ställa sig?
Folk kanske tyckte brädorna var tröga eller svårseglade. Glöm inte att väldigt många köper sin lilla vågbräda för att ha den på en insjö i tyskland. Ett annat alternativ kan ju vara att det inte funkade med den tidens brädshaper.
@Rasmus_W 420419 wrote:
Jag minns när Teriitehau seglade en “Bic Fun Rock” i slalomen i Bercy. Den Fun Rock som fanns i butik var en trög poly-bräda tänkt som första centerbordslösa bräda. Jag tror inte Teriitehaus bräda hade den shapen eller var i polyetylen.
Det var inte samme person som under 90-talet sa att “Adagion var det slutgiltliga vapnet i slalom” Hahaha, kommer så väl ihåg den reklamen, på sista sidan i surf sport eller om det var Funsport….
Det e som Ola säger att brädans övriga shape spelar stor roll. Sedan seglaren still som gör att brädan passar vissa typer av seglaer samt förhållanden. Lite off topic kan man se på de lokala custom brädorna som tillverkas i Hood River. De har 3 fenor o e tunga som skam. Men när det brallar i hood o alla kämpar för att hålla brädan i vattnet så ligger det hur stadigt som helst….
Gäst8 oktober, 2007 vid 22:28@Kamaaina 420715 wrote:
Det var inte samme person som under 90-talet sa att “Adagion var det slutgiltliga vapnet i slalom” Hahaha, kommer så väl ihåg den reklamen, på sista sidan i surf sport eller om det var Funsport….
Hahaha…. en Whisky till eller?
Adagion var ju iofs snabb och inte någon polyetenbräda. -
@Knatte 420177 wrote:
Hi-Fly har ju kört med dubbelfenor på vissa av sina freeride brädor i något (några??) år redan, så helt nytt är ju inte comeback försöket:smile:
Hehe Tell me about it!!! Min första bräda var en Hi-FLy 444 från 1982…så den var kittad med dubbla fenor!!
Adagion var en helt OK slalom-bräda på sin tid, körde själv en sådan 91/92…
@Oregistrerad 420751 wrote:
Hahaha…. en Whisky till eller?
Adagion var ju iofs snabb och inte någon polyetenbräda.Däremot kan man fråga sig varför man döper en slalombräda efter en musikterm som betyder ungerfär “långsamt”.
Witchcraft Fuerteventura Sailboards har produceret customs m trifin gennem mange år. Har nu etableret en production linje også med tri-fin. Er senest testet i engelske Boards (findes som digital udgave på nettet som kan købes for 5,6$). De første boards lander i Danmark (Köbenhavn) om ca 2 mdr men vil kunne bestilles allerede nu for interesserede. Mere info på
PS. Trifin conceptet betyder ikke tunge boards. Witchcraft begynder ved ca 5kg! -
Hele testen i BOARDS (af 16 ’08 waveboards) -og resten af magasinet kan iøvrigt købes digitalt her:
(Ret cool digitalversion!!!)
Fandt følgende info om tri-fin contra single og twinfin på [url][/url]
The story behind the Witchcraft Trifin’
Our Trifin is designed to give max. performance: manoeuvrablility AND early planing/upwind ability. Our trifin gives you more finarea with less leverage. A 12.5 sidefin with 15.5 centrefin set-up will give you roughly the planing and upwind ability of a 24 singlefin. However it will turn like a 19 or 20 singlefin whereas a 24 singlefin would be much stiffer and harder to turn.
Even if you FEEL the fins (-leverage) less as a bigger singlefin, making the board more maneuvrable, the upwind performance is still there.
If you try to lift a weight close to your body it is much easier to handle (read: maneuvrability), still it is the same weight (read: planing and upwind performance)…….The Tri Fin combines the best of Singlefins and Twinsers.
The qualities of our Trifin:
You can get planing earlier
You can get upwind better
You can turn shorter and easier
You can catch more waves
You can get more turns on a wave
You can sail in/through shallower water
When overpowered or in a high speed bottomturn the board won´t start tailwalking
When a fin spins out or breaks you still have 2 more
Our Trifin is not just for sideshore conditions, on the contrary, the biggest benefit is in on-shore and/or light wind conditions.
You can vary a lot more with the set up. Bigger centrefins and smaller sidefins will give more singlefin feeling (control) whereas 3 similar sized fins will give more surfboard feeling (manoeuvrability).
Our Trifin is not slower, not more than a singlefin with the same finarea would be. Just as when using a bigger singlefin, by having more finarea, on a downwind reach you might be a little slower as a singlefin (with less finarea), on a half wind course at least as fast and upwind our Trifin is faster, which is when you most need it. On spots where there is a rip you will be going upwind nearly all the time. So with our Trifin the average speed will actually be higher, especially when you need it most: in lighter conditions, when going upwind or in strong currents.
Trifin is better for freestyle/backwards sliding than single wavefins and have a lot more planing and upwind performance and control as pure short freestylefins.
Trifin is not hard to sail, for the less experienced sailor a bigger Trifin set-up will help planing even more and give less control problems due to the shorter lever (preventing board riding-up)
Tri Fins do require a modern upright sailing stance with a high boom and driving more of the front foot and mastfoot rather than a outward leaning slalom style.
For those conditions when you´d like to have max. control and/or less maneuvrability or planing ability (possibly the case in places with a lot of wind and/or wave power), or for lean back flat water blasting, you can still change it into singlefin.
Read the user manual and tuning guide for further tips on fin set-up.The development of the Witchcraft TrifinTrifins or thrusters have been around for a long time but were usually used for specific reasons; to give extra grip on the inside rail in combination with wider or assymmetrical boards, to create extra drag for more control in places such as the river Gorge. Those systems are usually in combination with a normal size singlefin and the sidefin completely assymmetric, completely flat on the inside like on surfboards. Even if it did solve the specific problem, there was extra drag and none or very little added performance in early planing or upwind ability.
Our Trifin was revived again around ´95 due to the need of having boards that plane early and go upwind well AND still turn well. Here in the north of Fuerte we usually have around around force 5 to 6 in summer and between 3 and 7 in winter. However wavesize does not depend that much on windstrength, especially in winter. You can be sailing with a 5.8 in masthigh waves or higher, which are much cleaner when there is less wind to create some of those “best day ever”.
So to make use of these conditions you´d like enough finarea to get upwind but a big singlefin is just death to maneuvrability, something very important to be able to have fun on the wave as well…..
At the time twinsers were in fashion, we have been experimenting with them too but found it not an ideal solution. It was very unpredictable, one fin was always prone to catch air when turning, not very nice when bottom turning with tons of water about to drop on you. Or if the fins were closer together they were disturbing eachothers waterflow or in eachothers shade.
Using what we had learned from the twinser and surfboards, allready from the first prototype we found the trifin much better, it had the best of both worlds, the control of a singlefin with the maneuvrability of the twinser or even better.
In riding spots you simply get a lot more waves if you get upwind better. In some very light riding conditions it has happened people with singlefin could not get to the peak whereas our trifin boards were ripping one wave after another……We get asked often that if our Trifin system is so good why other brands do not use trifin. As we don´t know how other shapers work, think and test, this is hard to answer. What we can say is that opposite to a singlefin, options to finpositions, fin profiles, flex and cant and tow angles are infinite, giving a lot of room to setting them up wrong or less than ideal. There can be many differences between one trifin system and the next!
We found the sidefins with a slightly flatter inside profile working best, it lets the water pass better between the fins and gives the inside fin more hold on hard turns without compromising planing and upwind performance. All fins have the same relative profile thickness and the same flex so they all do the same amount of work at the same speed. This way the finarea can be reduced to a minimum to reduce drag and increase efficiency.
After surfboard shaper Dean Geraghty from Capetown came out with his 4way fin system ( in 2005, this gave us the opportunity to experiment with fin angles much easier and faster. This finsystem is not strong enough in the long run for windsurfing but for a shaper it is heaven; through a couple of screws you can change fin angles on the beach and sail out again. Before you would have had to build 3 or more exactly the same boards, each with different finangles and take them all to the beach.
With this finsystem we could do a lot of testing and finetuning to fin angles to reduce drag and increase upwind performance and maneuvrability even more. Due to the better understanding and knowledge of the Trifin, we can even adapt finangles to the various boardtypes/bottomshapes.
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