Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing smörja dragkedjan till torrdräkten

  • skotten

    25 oktober, 2008 vid 23:24

    one can only take a horse to water, it has to drink for itself… a tip tip is to light the candles for one and rub them on a zip for the other : )

  • johnk

    25 oktober, 2008 vid 23:29

    I get that part. I was talking about the woman (and I hope it’s not a horse) 😉

  • skotten

    25 oktober, 2008 vid 23:34

    hehehe I just had the image of a dude staring at a horse, the horse staring back, both sitting in a softly lit room with scented candles trying to think of something to say to one another…

  • johnk

    25 oktober, 2008 vid 23:40

    He he. Tror det är dags för mig att sova nu. zzz

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