Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Snökite Snowkiting up to the oldest National Park of Europe

  • Snowkiting up to the oldest National Park of Europe

    Publicerad av flyvan på 25 februari, 2009 vid 22:06

    Hi guys,

    Last year I went up by kite on the oldest natural National park of Europe with one friend… we have been the first kiters to go up in this mountains ! This year I have repeated the experience but in solitary…
    I started to kite in the middle of dwarf birches just outside the taiga, after 4 km of randomness skiing in the deep forest, and in few minutes I got the empty space of the tundra…
    The snow condition was not excellent, many stones were out ’cause of the blowing winds and the weather that was perfect in the begin it had fast turned into cloudy, stormy and snowy. It has been very comfortable to climb up thanks to Manta II 09 that is almost like an own personal ski lift to get up in the wilderness and explore nature side and to get personal – special emotions. Here a fast resume of the day contained in this video!

    See you to the next report!

    flyvan svarade 16 år sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Snökite Snowkiting up to the oldest National Park of Europe

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