Söker råd om brädreparation – nosen.
Now it’s time to repair this ’ding’. Originally it looked like a split through the front of the nose with a split of around 7cm on the underside of the nose (see pic). I had used stick epoxy last year to fill it so we could sail the rest of the day. I sanded this back to reveal the damage and found that a larger area just fell away. This was probably due to the previous repair that someone had done years ago. Now I am left with what you see in the pics. It’s an old board so it’s not worth spending heaps of time making it look pretty. I just need to make it strong again so it will last a couple more seasons, then give it away or heave it.
Firstly, is there a way to see if water got in and caused damage? Or is this something I would easily notice?
Secondly, I wonder if someone can confirm the process I should follow.
1. Preparation – Do I need to sand away more of the surrounding area? You can see fibreglass from a previous repair, should this come off too?
2. Place one layer of fibreglass over the whole area to seal it off.
3. Fill with something to serve as a sort of cap against the foam core? Would this be a thin strip of Divinicell or some kind of hard filler?
4. A couple layers of glass over the whole nose.
5. Paint repaired area with something to protect from sun etc. Normal spray paint or should I use something more heavy duty?Svar gärna på svenska,
[img]http://www.frostell.com/External_files/topside.JPG[/img]I have these links as reference but just want to check if there is anything different I should do for my case.
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