Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Some help for Klagshamn and Bunkeflostrand

  • Some help for Klagshamn and Bunkeflostrand

    Publicerad av skotten på 26 september, 2006 vid 09:43

    hi guys, I am a kiter and I am planning on cleaning the stones outside Bunkeflostrand. I was reading the post about the metal spikes in the water over on the klagshamn side and thought that you guys would be interested as well.

    Basically what I planned was have 4 sticks, and a rowing boat, pull up the smaller stones that we can lift and move them into shore.

    For the larger ones, all you need to do is dig the sand from around them and they will sink down.

    Fair enough you guys may not fancy kiters down at klagshamn, but we can make sure that you guys have one side, and we have the other.

    Glad to see noone was hurt on those metal things, Ride on!!


    olle-2 svarade 18 år, 5 månader sedan 6 Medlemmar · 8 Svar
  • 8 Svar
  • dubsmith

    26 september, 2006 vid 14:14

    Bra initiativ!

  • gnutten

    26 september, 2006 vid 15:13

    Längre in i viken i Klagsamhamn bord det vara kanon för kite. Det är inga w-surfare som kör så långt in heller, vattnet är för grunt. Vet inte om det möjligen är helt fullt med stenar. Nackdelen kan väl vara att nybörjarkitarna glider ner i vind och hamnar där w-surfarna också kör. Men det borde ju var lösbart. Området runt vattnet är ju kanonfint och det hade varit trevligt om fler kunde få uppleva stället.

    Skotten: Kan ni inte märka ut ”kniven” i Lundåkra också (nära stranden, rakt utanför containern), när ni ändå håller på.

  • el_duderino

    26 september, 2006 vid 16:19

    Att kitea i Klagshamn är som att springa runt och skrika jag älskar USA i Irak!

  • dubsmith

    26 september, 2006 vid 17:01

    varför kan ni inte samsas el durido?

  • dubsmith

    26 september, 2006 vid 17:05

    aha du jämför dödsrisken.

    .. my bad


  • petter_f

    26 september, 2006 vid 19:22


    Been a while since I’ve dropped you a line. Still haven’t gone for a kite yet as my heads been elsewhere. Got hitched, the honeymoon, and what wind there has been has been spent w/surfing, as my girlfr… wife is becoming totally obsessed with it.

    But I haven’t given up the idea of getting back into kiting. Where at Bunkerflo do you go, or is it obvious when you get there? I wouldn’t mind dropping by to check it out. Let me know if you get a chain gang together… I could do with some extra back exercises.

    Cheers, Petter.

  • skotten

    26 september, 2006 vid 19:40

    Ahh petter!!! Congrats mate!! Nice one!, your mind shouldnt be on kiting just now FFS!!!

    Anyway, as for that knife thing in Lundåkra, I know, its hideous!, I had been kiting there 4 or 5 times before someone told me about it, I went wandering out to have a look and could not believe my eyes when I saw it. For anyone that doesnt know where it is, its just on the right of where you get into the water.

    As for Bunkeflo, I dont dare kite down there, Firstly there aint that many places where you guys can windsurf in peace without some noob getiing airborn and taking you out. Secondly, there have been two deaths this summer, and it only takes wiing out into a stone once in order to never be able to talk about it.

    I think we should definately get together and clean up the stones, it wont take forever if we can get a decent bunch of us together. Its easy to get rid of the big ones, like I said, we just dig them down, but the smaller ones will take a bit more time as they are greater in numbers :-).

    I am not into this whole devide thing between kiters and surfers, so lets get it sorted out, drop me an email and we can get started before it gets toooo cold!

  • olle-2

    27 september, 2006 vid 19:22

    Good idea Skotten, have not thought about the digging alternative. I´ll be glad to help out. However, we should time this to a low water day.

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