Spännande brädor från Naish?
Kolla detta citat från Martin v M i en tråd tråd på Mauisails forum. Vore spännande om dessa brädor (stora speedbrädor) kommer i produktion.
The old slalom pro 90 won’t beat the new slalom pro 95. I am sure the SP95 can go over 44 knots on flat water, so I guess there’s enough to play around. We’re working on a specialized GPS line for Naish. Robby allowed me to build some proto Naish boards together with Ron van den Berg. I hope Robby is open to getting them out on the market as I feel there is a place for specialized GPS boards not focussing on high wind angles and getting out of the gybe as swiftly as possible. My main concern is high end control off the wind in choppy conditions as well as on flat water and I am willing to sacrifice a little while going upwind.
The boards look sweet. My 55 wide 85 litre board seems to be a rocket but my leg needs to be fully mended first before I dare to go for the true speed potential of this board. The design focus was to build a high volume speed board capable of peak speeds of at least 47 knots but also capable of carrying a TR-4 7.0 if needed. The coming months will have to show if we succeeded.
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