Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Spin out when going fast

  • Spin out when going fast

    Publicerad av petter_f på 11 maj, 2008 vid 16:53

    I have a question regarding spin out when you’re trying to crank it.

    I had my first sail of the season a week or so ago and noticed that I was always on the verge spin out when trying to hold onto the gusts.

    When you guys are trying to go as fast as you can are you always on the verge of spinning out?

    This happened more when really focussing on keeping the board super flat. I even played with lifting my front foot in the strap. But this, of coarse, put even more pressure through my back foot and onto the fin.

    I am just trying to work out if this is a normal sensation or whether I have to have a good look at my sail tuning and stance/balance.

    Svar på svenska är helt okay.


    petter_f svarade 16 år, 10 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 5 Svar
  • 5 Svar
  • rasmus_w

    11 maj, 2008 vid 18:00

    Spin out is pretty kit specific, but rule number one is that the easiest way to provoke a spinout is to keep an uneven pressure on the fin. Many times, even when a bit under-finned, increasing pressure on the fin will actually cure the problem since it can make pressure more even.

    That said, when going for ultimate speed, a big fin means lots of drag so you will want to use the smallest fin that actually works for the given conditions, which means you are pretty close to spinning out a lot of the time.

    Also, the first sail of the season is often not the best sail of the season and frequent spinouts can be one of the symptoms.

  • klang

    11 maj, 2008 vid 20:10

    På slören försöker jag lägga 50-50% på fram och bakfot, det blir bättre/lättare när man dundrar över ett chop.

    Vilken utrustning körde du på när du fick spin-out i din slör?

  • petter_f

    11 maj, 2008 vid 22:03

    @Klang 464701 wrote:

    Vilken utrustning körde du på när du fick spin-out i din slör?

    This was normal freeride cruising, neither sailing tight to the wind or much off the wind for speed. The gear I used that day was a freestyle board with normal-sized weed fin, otherwise I use a wave board. Sails are wave. I.e. I am not a speed fiend on speed gear, just like to know that I am sailing as efficiently as possible.

    I can’t really claim that I had problems with spin out when on a ’slör’, although it did happen. I do notice that my balance comes more forward (onto front foot) when sailing off the wind, as you say. It was more when sailing comfortably on the wind but not hard to the wind to gain ground (if you know what i mean) and concentrating on holding speed and form when the gusts hit.

    Best is probably to quiz you guys when I see you next on the water… if the wind gods decide to be nice to us again… soon.

  • 40knots

    12 maj, 2008 vid 08:20

    My bet is that the weed fin is the problem. Its designed for passing over weed, not designed for optimal hydrodynamic performance. Also, the fin needs to be right size as well. If you were over powered then you should have used a bigger weed fin or switched to a smaller sail. Or sailed faster. Wide boards need bigger fins as well so what worked with your wave board will not necessarily work on your free style board. Note that a waist harness dont let you depressure the feet like a seat harness does and a wave sail doesent give you enough forward pull and therefore your sailing is innefficient with lots of unnessesary sideways pressure on your back foot.

  • petter_f

    12 maj, 2008 vid 10:42

    @40knots 464771 wrote:

    My bet is that the weed fin is the problem. Its designed for passing over weed, not designed for optimal hydrodynamic performance. Also, the fin needs to be right size as well. If you were over powered then you should have used a bigger weed fin or switched to a smaller sail. Or sailed faster. Wide boards need bigger fins as well so what worked with your wave board will not necessarily work on your free style board. Note that a waist harness dont let you depressure the feet like a seat harness does and a wave sail doesent give you enough forward pull and therefore your sailing is innefficient with lots of unnessesary sideways pressure on your back foot.

    All this sounds very relatable to my experience, down to the comment about waist harness + wave sail set up equaling sideways pressure on back foot.

    Thanks guys, it all helps for me to get a picture of what I’m doing with my kit.

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