Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Snökite Spots near Göteborg


  • Spots near Göteborg

    Posted by kiruri on 5 december, 2010 at 10:38

    Dear all!

    I apologize for writing this post in English, but unfortunately I am not a Swedish language speaker.

    I will be grateful if someone tells me about any snowkite spots around Göteborg. Are there any spots in 15-20 km range?

    I am new here (a foreign student), but I have got my kite with me.

    It would be great to team with local Göteborg kiters to check out this beautiful weekend snow.


    smaskens replied 14 years ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • karl-petter

    8 december, 2010 at 20:52


    I tried some spots last winter but they where all on the sea ice and I do not think it’s safe enough to use yet.

    I might have some time for some kiting on Sunday if the weather looks good and would be interested in exploring spots. Though I wont know until on saturday or early sunday if I will have time.


  • krisgomgun

    18 december, 2010 at 16:48

    You can snowkite in Fiskebäck in Hissingen. Someone told me. I was thinking to go tomorrow to look out. Is not so far from saltholmen there is a hugh field next to the sea.

  • smaskens

    20 december, 2010 at 21:50

    Fiskebäck is not on Hisingen. It is on the mainland next to the fishingharbour.

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