Star-board X
Vad är nu detta för nytt koncept som skall revolutionera
windsurfingen med en bräda som skall klara av lättvind-
plattvatten och hårdvind-vågor samtidigt!A BRAND NEW SLALOM CONCEPT
Setting the pace in innovation, Starboard has been developing a new concept in slalom boards at the Naklua Beach, Bay of Siam test location.
The new range is an offspring from the soon-to-be-launched X experimental Formula 136, 156, and the current production board World Champion Sonic slalom board line.
The wind range of each of the new boards is extremely wide, making them competitive and easy to sail: they carry sails from 5 to 10 square meters.
They have proved to be extra efficient in light winds and especially easy to control in high winds. They jibe well and bring a new feel of high wind control.
Starboard hopes to see the popularity of Slalom rise again and thinks that the possibility of using the same board with both 5 and 10 square meter sails will simplify slalom equipment, at the same time as it will secure far more slalom events to be held even if the wind is not completely cooperative. For the recreational sailor, this concept is perfect for those who enjoy extremely high-speed reaches above all, with smooth powerful jibes at both ends, without the hassle of having many boards or having to wait for the right conditions.
The shapes and dimensions are radical departures from the past.
Further details will not be announced before product launch in April 2002.Jim, Tiesda, Svein
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