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  • Starboard inte längre i topp

    Publicerad av dieter-mr-kefir på 7 mars, 2001 vid 09:46

    Saxat Gaastra forum

    Florida mid winters, 181 competitors

    Buzianis in First with Drops, Jimmy Diaz in second with Bic Vf 1.2, Matt Pritchard third with AHD 95, Nevin Sayre (AHD 95) tied with Alex Aguera in 4th with Seatrend, Jamie Douglas 5th with AHD 95, Alf Imperato 6th with Starboard.
    I heard Alex had his hands full in the strong winds, he was really wishing for light wind.
    The board looks really good for a heavy guy. 90 kilos or something. I have one for testing, will keep you posted.

    anonym-anvandare svarade 24 år sedan 6 Medlemmar · 21 Svar
  • 21 Svar
  • anonym-anvandare

    7 mars, 2001 vid 10:06

    Vem är Alf Imperato? Du får väl se när en utav Starboards toppseglare är med, tex polacken vad han nu heter.

  • anonym-anvandare

    7 mars, 2001 vid 10:36


  • anonym-anvandare

    7 mars, 2001 vid 12:02

    man kan ju också tillägga att killen som heter alf körde på NP-rx1 så lite skillnad i segel är det nog också……………..

  • anonym-anvandare

    7 mars, 2001 vid 15:09

    helt riktig och bra iakttagelse.

  • anonym-anvandare

    7 mars, 2001 vid 15:44

    Det hela handlar om seglare, bräda, segel, Starboard hade förra året bra seglare samt att dom var först med det breda konceptet i år kommer starboard få det tuffare men det är nog fortfarande ett säkert köp om man ska köpa formula.

  • dala

    9 mars, 2001 vid 07:12


    Here is a report from Jimmy Diaz on this event, the first Formula event in the US.

    As a note, had the race committe chose to use the usual .7 for first place, Jimmy and Micah would have tied for first.

    ”This event here is quite impressive. Over the last several years it has grown quite a bit and this year there are a reported 180 entrants. Located on the Indian River in central Florida, this is an ideal place to learn how to windsurf as evidenced by the thousands of people that have learned at Tinho’s School located at the event site. Besides having tremendous facilities for putting on an event, the site is also ideal for Formula Windsurfing as it is notoriously light wind but steady. With that said it is incredible to see that 180 people have come to a racing event in the U.S. This is the most people I have ever seen at an American event. It is good to see that racing is alive and well in the U.S.!!

    Today the wind came in pretty good and we did a total of five races in 9.0 – 9.8 conditions. Micah started the event with a win in the windiest race. We all went out on 9.8’s and were a bit overpowered. I was second and Matt was third. The next four races saw similar action with very close racing and the leads changing quite a bit between Micah, Matt, and myself. At the end of the day Micah had won three races, I won one, and Matt took the other. I had the most consistent results with the rest of my results being seconds. Micah had a third and a sixth, and Matt a second and , three thirds. With the scoring system they have in place with a first being one point, Micah is winning with 6 points, I am in second with 7 points and Matt is in third with 9 points. These are all unofficial results as there were some over early’s but we won’t know about those until the morning.

    Micah is on the new Drops production boards, and Matt is racing the new AHD.

    I am on the BIC FV1.2 which is the smallest of the boards, but with good all around performance to stay in the hunt for the victory. Tomorrow they are forecasting stronger winds. This is a two-day event so tomorrow will be the last day of racing. We anticipate doing four or five more races.

    Best Regards,


    It IS intersting that of all the the Starboard 175s at the event not one topped the field. But it’s not suprising entirely given the amazing skill levels of those picking up the top slots, none of whom sail Starboards. To be fair, even the best board can’t beat the best sailors time after time. There were a lot of 175s at the event, and many did very well. It was a fairly breezy event for formula and, from what I saw, the Starboards simply didn’t have the top speed when the wind picked up. They did outpoint many of the other boards through the holes. One other thing is that the starting line was tighter than some other lines. That means that the best sailors got the best starts (of course) and everyone else got buried, including the many Starboards. Having been hosed in the second row one heat, I can testify that the race was over 10 seconds after it started. Even in 12 knots, by the time I found clear air, the top 5 sailors were at the windward mark! Try catching Jimmy, Matt, Micah, Alex and Jamie from that distance. Even on warpspeed most sailors never had a shot for a top 6 finish given the crowds and the level at the top.
    By no means does this mean that the 175 has been surpassed. You’ve to recall that in a shortboard field that big, finishing within the top 10% still places you as far back as 17th or 18th place. I also noticed that the 175 was likely the most popular board (not including Technos) so it might be said that the 175 did very well given the range of sailors riding it.

    This racing was some of the best I’ve ever witnessed. Very close racing no matter where in the fleet you found yourself. 150-175 boards racing at once is a total gas. THe other thing I discovered in this, my first formula race, is that tacking has come back to racing! Even with the high speeds, one cannot always drive through the holes. And there is a huge VMG difference between just planing comfortably upwind on apparent wind and flopping over on a gusting header. The wind power gradient (2V = p cubed) means a lot more to VMG in light wind and flat water than in 20 knots and big chop.

    Anyone else go to this event?

  • anonym-anvandare

    9 mars, 2001 vid 09:08

    Upp som en sol ner som en pankaka = Starboard

  • anonym-anvandare

    9 mars, 2001 vid 09:46

    Nu får du lägga av, Starboard har gjort mycket för sporten de senaste åren, inte bara designat Formulan som alla snackar om hela tiden…brädor som go,start,play,fish är helt nyskapande brädor som Starboard har släppt…och mer kommer!
    Starboard följer inte utvecklingen, de LEDER den!

    Som du kanske läste så hade ingen utav de duktigaste Formula 175 på Midwinters, man kan helt enkelt inte vinna med bara brädan som du kanske förstår, ingen kedja är starkare än den svagaste länken,och den svaga länken var nog i dessa fall seglarna!


  • voodoo

    9 mars, 2001 vid 10:27

    Nej nu får du ta och sluta med din smygreklam UDOO jag börjar tröttna på allt tjat om starboard, så ska jag ha en ny bräda så blir det iallafall ingen starboard =o)

    vooodo wink.gif

  • anonym-anvandare

    9 mars, 2001 vid 10:28

    Eller som Svein själv säger angående alla nya Formula brädor:

    ”We have not been sleeping since we developed the 175 12 months ago,
    and are happy to see that this for us ”old ” design still is used as a the benchmark.

    See you at the Worlds in Spain.

    Svein from Starboard”

    12 månader före i utvecklingen är ganska lång tid. 🙂

  • anonym-anvandare

    9 mars, 2001 vid 13:04

    Staren har enligt referatet lägre topphastighet, ganska naturligt den är ju större.

  • anonym-anvandare

    9 mars, 2001 vid 13:24

    Det var ingen smygreklam, bara rena fakta..lär dig skillnaden mellan det =0)


  • anonym-anvandare

    9 mars, 2001 vid 14:54

    Var precis och köpte senaste nr av Boards och där var det ingen rolig läsning om man gillar Sarboard. Första meningen under sammanfattningen av Carve 80 står det ”we can not recommend this board”


  • anonym-anvandare

    9 mars, 2001 vid 15:04

    Som sagt tidigare kan man inte gå efter tester. Så här är det: ju mer fler annonser och större annonser man har i en tidning ju bättre testresultat får man, så jävla sjukt är det! Starboard Carve 80 är absolut ingen kass bräda att segla kan jag lova, och ta och kolla vad det är för amatörer som utförtesterna då, va? Antingen är det gamla feta tyska gubbar och wannabees i tyska surf eller då är det några nollor i Boars etc
    Jag har slutat läsa tester eftersom de utger inga som helst riktiga fakta, bara en massa trams, ibland har en bräda fått riktigt dålig kritik eftersom ”brädan hade en kass fena”. Det säger ju allt!

    Det var ju samma sak med Naishseglet vi hade uppe för diskussion för ett tag sen!

  • anonym-anvandare

    9 mars, 2001 vid 15:25

    Och så här säger Amerikanska Windsurfing om Carve 80:


    In a pinch, the 80 goes down the line and jumps well in onshore conditions. The chamfered rails add bite and smoothly hold in bottom turns. It easily doubles as a freestyle board with quick acceleration, a light feel and plenty of stability, and a wide uncluttered deck. Bump sailors will like its loose, forgiving ride.


    SPEED :
    Setting the straps in the outboard positions gives the 80 a slalom-oriented ride. Remains controllable through even the roughest of water.

    JIBING :
    Double-concave-bottom-to-vee acts as turning panels. Chamfered rails smooth chop and stabilize water flow when setting a rail. Outline is smooth with a subtle pull in the tail, allowing for sharp high-speed jibes.

    Controllable at speed and in the air and excels for planing tricks and transitions. Wide and well balanced for a confidence-inspiring ride.

    RANGE :
    Inset and outset strap options enhance its already broad range of uses. Easily handles wave, freestyle and camless slalom sails.

    The 80 is all about control. The single/double-to-vee bottom make it smooth through chop. The deck is wide, creating stability for heavy footwork and early planing. The chamfered rails really work! They allow a smooth water flow across the bottom at high speeds and especially in the turns.

    Starboard?s 80 best suits sailors looking for one board that can do it all. It has plenty of strap options and can handle a large range of sails. Novices to experts found the 80 plenty exciting and incredibly controllable in all situations.

    Lite skillnad från Boards UK……

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