Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Snökite Sverige Snökite Camp

  • Sverige Snökite Camp

    Publicerad av flyvan på 16 september, 2009 vid 10:14

    Sweden Snowkite Camp

    We are preparing an amazing season here in swedish mountains…
    with new spots (now even more than 10),
    new kites 2010 Ozone to test,
    and snowmobiling tours all across the area.

    Snowkite Camp in the Swedish wilderness… on the mountains of Jämtland region, in the area so called Härjedalen.
    We have10 spots available all around, in a perfect area for FreeRide – Backcountry. Always a good spot where to go in function of the wind, this make it kitable 6/7 days. If you are dreaming about the ultimate snowkite holiday, you must consider to reach us in this no end paradise, and doesn’t matter your skill… there is for all kind of level and if you are beginner, it will be perfect occasion to increase your pleasure and skill. Here you will found excellent snow and thousands square km where enjoy the pure snowkite feeling.

    Snowkite Camp includes guided snowkiting safari, lodging, catering, sauna and eventually rental equipment. Just for small groups 1-5.
    Cheap snowkite holiday for exiting adventures !

    Check out our website >>
    and video channel >>

    See you there!

    flyvan svarade 15 år, 5 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar

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