• Test av HS

    Publicerad av levieux på 15 oktober, 2002 vid 19:12

    För alla er som kan franska confused.gif confused.gif kommer här ett test som gjorde under helgen.
    Killen har bara gott att säga om saken. smile.gif smile.gif
    Han t.o.m provade brädan under en slalom tävling i helgen och kom femma!!!!!

    Testée ce week-end HYPERSONIC Dram monté avec le 34 d’origine avec 8.7 Nitro2 et 7.0 Nitro2. Prise en main immédiate et très facile avec la 7.0. Avec la 8.7 il faut rester un peu plus sur l’eau pour trouver le bon réglage….mais une fois que tout est au point………ça va très très vite !!! La planche reste bien à plat dans les surventes, accélère très fort et se contrôle aisément ………. l’aileron de 34 de série est parfait avec 8.7 et permet de caper de façon très satisfaisante.
    La sensation sous les pieds est celle d’une planche plus étroite (nervosité, vitesse). La planche avale le clapot, il n’y a pas besoin d’amortir avec les jambes ! Super accroche dans les jibes dont le rayon est plutôt celui d’une slalom que d’une Formula.
    En vitesse testée dans du (12-18 noeuds), en 8.7 surclasse les formulas, en 7.0 fait jeu égal avec les slaloms et dès que le vent mollit d’une poignée de noeuds, elle bondit devant les slaloms (si, si !!!).
    Le rendement de cette board est tout simplement extraordinaire !!!!
    La vitesse maximale se fait sur un angle différent que celui des slaloms, légèrement plus au vent. On peut être à fond en permanence babord et tribord amures sans être obligé de caper (c’est un vrai +)!!!
    Mais :
    – l’HYPER est une planche pour planchiste expérimenté car bien que cette board supporte aisément 9.8 (un pote a navigué en 9.8 RS tout le week-end….) le volume n’est “que” de 105 litres et elle pardonne difficilement les appuis “approximatifs”. Le virement de bord doit être rapide, l’avant s’enfonce facilement mais point positif la phase “sous l’eau” est beaucoup plus facile qu’avec une planche “traditionnelle” de même volume car du fait de la largeur, l’équilibre est infiniment plus facile à trouver. Même remarque pour le relevage de la voile au tire-veille.
    – en conditions limites, s’il n’y a pas assez de vent dans la voile, le pomping est inefficace, l’énergie semble se perdre sur le tail de la planche. Pour démarrer au pomping, il faut placer le nez de la board bien au largue (comme une slalom, en formula on peut partir au petit travers !).
    – du fait du volume, les grandes surfaces de voile (9-10+) seront sûrement mieux exploitées par les gabarits médium/légers (< 80 kg) - pour les plus lourds l'HS sera une planche de slalom magique (la board a été testée par le leader de notre championnat, 90 kg, en 6.8 et il boostait d'une manière incroyable avec !!!).
    – la maniabilité les pieds dans les straps sur le run est limitée, il faut modifier la position du corps et s’aider du gréément pour changer de direction (type Formula).
    – la planche est très sensible aux mouvements d’eau. Pris un mauvais départ de régate (c’était la Hourtin Fun Cup), j’étais dans les traînées créées par une vingtaine de planche et je me suis fait balloté de gauche à droite (j’ai quand même réussi à remonter une quinzaine de concurrents et je termine 5 ).

    boman svarade 22 år, 3 månader sedan 5 Medlemmar · 4 Svar
  • 4 Svar
  • oscar

    15 oktober, 2002 vid 20:51

    Översatte med babelfish:

    Tested this weekend HYPERSONIC Dram assembled with the 34 of origin with 8.7 Nitro2 and 7.0 Nitro2. Catch in immediate and very easy hand with the 7.0. For the 8.7 it is necessary to remain a little more on water to find the good adjustment… mais once that all at the point……… that is goes very very quickly!!! The board remains well flat in the surventes, accelerates very extremely and easily controls………. the aileron of 34 of series is perfect with 8.7 and makes it possible to wrap in a very satisfactory way. The feeling under the feet is that of a narrower board (nervousness, speed). The board swallows the clapot, it does not need there to deaden with the legs! Super hangs in the jibes whose ray is rather that of a slalom that of one Formula. In speed tested in (12-18 nodes), in 8.7 outclasses formulated them, into 7.0 fact equal play with the slaloms and as soon as the wind weakens of a handle of nodes, it leaps in front of the slaloms (if, if!!!). The output of this board is quite simply extraordinary!!!! Maximum speed is made on an angle different that that from the slaloms, slightly more with the wind. One can be à.fond permanently port side and starport tack without being obliged to wrap (it is a truth +)!!! But: – the HYPER is a board for planchist experienced bus although this board supports 9.8 easily (a pal sailed in 9.8 RS all the weekend….) volume is “only” 105 liters and it forgives the “approximate” supports with difficulty. The tacking must be fast, before is inserted easily but not positive the phase “under water” is much easier than with a “traditional” board of the same bus volume because of the width, balance is infinitely easier to find. Even notices for the raising of the veil to the manrope. – in conditions limit, if there is not enough wind in the sail, the pomping is ineffective, energy seems to be lost on the tail of the board. To start with the pomping, it is necessary to place the nose of the board well at loose (like a slalom, one formulated some can leave to small through!). – because of volume, great surfaces of veil (9-10+) will be exploited surely better by the gauges médium/légers (< 80 kg) - for the heaviest HS will be a magic board of slalom (the board was tested by the leader of our championship, 90 kg, into 6.8 and it boostait in an incredible way with!!!). - the handiness the feet in the straps on the run is limited, it is necessary to modify the position of the body and to be helped of gréément to change direction (standard Formula). - the board is very sensitive to the water movements. Taken a bad departure of regatta (it was Hourtin Fun Cup), I was in the trails created by a score of board and I was done balloté of left on the right (I nevertheless succeeded in going up about fifteen competitors and I finish 5).

  • anonym-anvandare

    16 oktober, 2002 vid 06:56

    Är det nåt inlogg för att kunna översätta och använda tjänsten?
    Är det babelfish.com du använder?

  • endy

    16 oktober, 2002 vid 07:15
  • boman

    16 oktober, 2002 vid 08:59

    Det är svårt att hitta några negativa tester om brädan. laugh.gif laugh.gif

    Saxat från Starboards forum:
    Hyper vs Ahd GT75
    As Im a proud owner of a GT 75, so when i had a opertunity to test the 2 boards over a couple of days i jumped at the chance.

    I sailed the hyper in 12 to 20 knots all in all.

    When I used my no cam 6.5 with the 44cm on the hyper my froend of similar ability used my GT75 with a 7.4 cam sail with a deb 44cm.

    We found that the hyper pointed aswellas the GT, but was certainly quicker on a beam reach but when i went on a reach the hyper just blew the GT away!!! When the wind became marginal I found that the hyper planned through the lulls much easier than my Gt75.

    However it takes some getting used too, to get it to plane early as it is criticle where you place your feet on the board, otherwsie too far forward and you shove the shoulders of the board under the water.

    When I used the 8.7 on the hyper with 44cm and a 8.6 on the GT 75 with its 56cm fin we came to the same conclusion. However we felt that the hyper took the 8.7 better than the GT75 starngley enough which surprised us both.

    I also tested the board with 9.8m 44cm and even though it planned later than my friends who was on similar size sails on formula boards
    when we came onto a beam reach i just left them standing in 12knots of wind.

    So my conclutions are:

    1. yes the Gt75 may plane slighty earleir when you have a good sailor aboard over the hyper, but I would be using my formula anyway in those wind speeds.

    2. The hyper is certainly a quicker board on all points

    3. Me at 85kgs can tack the board and also uphaul it with the 9.8.

    4. I dont feel that there are any boards who can point as good upwind as the hyper unless you are on formula of course.So it gives you the confidnecve to point off the wind and let it rip as you know you will always get back.

    5. The board flies through the lulls and gybes well, especially if you are used to wide style type board, as the board feels like a small formula board.

    6. The fins are such good quality and surprised how starboard have supplied them in with the price.

    7. last but not least I must admit my GT75 is for sale now!!!

    Im no expert sailor but pretty compediant, yes these are only my own findings, but I hope this will help someone out there who also has the vast choice of boards to chose from.

    pse feel free to e mail me, yes my own dram will arrive in a few weeks, and yes they are very light and easy to sail.

    Yes it did blow me away!!

    My 100kg mate will be looking forward to the bigger version though as he did amuse use all with his uphauling techniques, or lack of em.

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