Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Test av NS Warp F2009

  • Test av NS Warp F2009

    Publicerad av surferboy på 18 februari, 2009 vid 12:32

    Fick precis ett nyhetsbrev från North. Där hade de följande artikel:

    Our new racing machine WARP F2009 just got a fantastic pre-test result in the French Planchemag.
    “We had the opportunity to test one of the first production sails. First thing you realize is that the sail is easier to set up as it requires much less downhaul tension (we could even rig it with a harness hook as a handle). This shows that tension in the profile, especially in the mast sleeve area, seams to be less important as most thought. This also helps with the rotation as the cambers are passing more smoothly. Even though being very powerful in the low end, the Warp F2009 feels lighter and more gentle in the arms. It has nothing to do with the model from last year: the power develops smoother and less brutal. After several runs you feel that the sail is simply less physical. In contrary to the F2008 model you feel a certain absorbing effect.
    The gustier the wind, the more we appreciate this fact, especially when hitting a gust or when going into a lull. Since we could not test the sail head to head against the Warp F2008, we can not say whether the Warp F2009 has more performance or whether it’s faster. But we can say it’s lighter, softer and less physical during jibes and waterstarts. Another important point: the Warp F2009 develops more lift. Due to this the board becomes more free, feels lighter on foot and feels more alive. That’s why you sail more over the fin than last year. As if we had changed the board! This is very appreciable in light and medium winds as the chop does not slow you down so much and makes it easier to hold the board speed. In terms of driving pleasure, the Warp F2009 has risen considerably and becomes accessible to more people. We were impressed by the test of the prototype Warp F2009 in Tarifa in October. Sailing the production sail confirms our initial observations.”

    Låter lovande för en lättviktsräka som mig 🙂

    rasmus_w svarade 16 år sedan 4 Medlemmar · 5 Svar
  • 5 Svar
  • p-malmkvist

    18 februari, 2009 vid 12:46

    Låter som ett kanon freerajdsegel, kommer det i rosa samt med silkesvadderingar så man inte bryter naglarna när man rullar ut det..??:wink:

  • surferboy

    18 februari, 2009 vid 12:51

    Tyskarna har väl alltid varit svaga för chockrosa. Du kan ju gå in på och föreslå det… 😉

    @P Malmkvist 531017 wrote:

    Låter som ett kanon freerajdsegel, kommer det i rosa också..:wink:

  • rasmus_w

    18 februari, 2009 vid 15:36

    Retoriska frågan: Har Björn slutat segla North?

    Björn är ju mannen som kallade Barry Spaniers racesegel ”Only good for girls”.

  • kapten-k

    18 februari, 2009 vid 16:16

    @Rasmus_W 531069 wrote:

    Retoriska frågan: Har Björn slutat segla North?

    Björn är ju mannen som kallade Barry Spaniers racesegel ”Only good for girls”.

    Nu blev ju North det oxå!

  • rasmus_w

    18 februari, 2009 vid 18:04

    @Kapten K 531078 wrote:

    Nu blev ju North det oxå!

    Vågar man gissa på att halva Severne-teamet snart har Overdrive som tävlingssegel för slalom, ungefär som att North-teamet utom Björn verkade köra Ram förra året? 🙂

    Plus då att Overdrive får lika bred mastficka som Code Red då.

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