Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Snökite Testing Ozone 09 series in Härjedalen’s fjäll

  • Testing Ozone 09 series in Härjedalen’s fjäll

    Publicerad av flyvan på 23 januari, 2009 vid 08:30

    Hi everyone!

    Morning signals were really clear… first of all I woke up early (that’s important)… then looking out from the window to check out the weather conditions, I could see first time in my life an Ermin all white with a black point in the tail, that was escaping from my garden and going to the neighbour . Really cool !!!
    Well. On internet I had confirmation of the winds for the day and I choice the spot more adapted to my needs. I choice also the snowkite wings I will bring with me… MantaII 09 10m and Frenzy FYX 09 7m, but I take also an Access XC 09 4m… I never make total confidence to the forecast.. I fill up the thermos with tea and I put the harness to my Siberian Husky friend … IS he will follow me in this adventure. In 30 minutes I am at the base of the valley, as soon as I exit from the car and I take out the dog, 3-4 horses approach … 3 island-horses and one north-swede. We meet and make friendship. I am ready with everything (I bring only Manta & FYX) and we start to walk about 10 min to get to starting place… I am under wind in the begin, and I must cross the valley to get upper wind, but I start to open the Manta II; just in the begin, after inflate it, it pass me upon the head and it flies to my back, then it shuts and it comes inside the wind window again… nice visit card from by the rotor!! After some little troubles to get the feeling and handling on my new Manta and on the rotor, the wing pull me across the valley and it starts to drag me up to the mountain with all my weight… in a short time I get the top. I wait for Is that is running back to me in the deep powder snow… poor him… it’s hard for him to try to reach me, but he seems to like run free in this amazing landscape, in wilderness. I reach the next plateau and the wind increases , I go fast as a deer… with some little pauses to wait my friend and look me better around… during this session I could note that Manta is very good and powerful with full pulled bar, but in the border of the window it’s get a little slow to turn. I will trim the bar next time, ’cause I like reactivity. Advancing in that valley, and going always more high, the wind increase more and more, so it’s a good opportunity to test also Frenzy FYX 7m. I close and open in the same time… tightrope walking… and we restart… following the valley by the crests. I meet the only 4 person of all the area… snowmobiling. They just stop to admire this amazing means of transport of the future; I don’t really envy them… this year I have run many hundreds kilometers by snowmobile and I am really bored of them… noisy and smelling, and you must be really careful to not get stock in the fresh snow out in the wilderness, otherwise it’s a BIG problem there!! I go on calm, relaxed and jaunty, admiring more and more times the color games made by light filtered out through the clouds just upon the crests. Everything, snow, mountains and clouds, gets turquoise or pale blue and sometimes some more strong ray of light turn on a mountain or crest like a lamp. I was really dumbstruck of this amazing landscape and atmosphere… really the ultimate snowkite spot! I had never gone so far inside that valley… you must consider that nearest village is 30km far from there and the first town is 180km. Just mountains, forests, lakes and wild animals!! I arrive quite to the end of the valley, about 15km far from the start, but then I see a reindeer group upon the top of the last mountain, where I exactly wanted to go to end the tour… but my friend Is heels me… and Siberians like very much reindeer… maybe too much… and to not have problems, I decide to go back before Is can see them… fortunately we were upper wind and I could not smell them. Coming back we go a little bit down in the valley and the wind decreases a bit: good, a resting, a cigarette and I switch back the wing… I go under the Manta again. We cross all the valley up wind … little more hard but Manta helps me to come out. In the end I return to the crests to get the last good wind before going down in the rotor where I come from. Is (ice in Swedish) is always near me… it’s great to have him with me… he’s all white on the white and blue snow… amazing!! He’s been very good and strong. By feet, I reach the way where I came before, after that I have well pack in the glider in the rucksack and pet Is. In the end I put skis on the feet and Is pull me running full speed till the car… but where he found all that energy ?? We leave for the home way… but after few kilometers a reindeer group block the road… we just stop to look at them , especially Is that starts to howl 🙂 . Now we are at home, both happy, tired and satisfied, but I have already planned next adventure… TOMORROW!!! Weather condition still excellent !!! I will update you.


    sourra svarade 16 år, 1 månad sedan 3 Medlemmar · 2 Svar
  • 2 Svar
  • gonzo

    28 januari, 2009 vid 21:03

    puff puff give mellan dig å hunden eller??
    han ser sjukt sugen ut på den i alla fall

  • sourra

    28 januari, 2009 vid 21:41

    Hehe, puff puff passa!
    Och nytt stycke.

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