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Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 4 mars, 2003 vid 17:50Vem säljer F-one i Sverige och vad Kostar en 18-20m² stor MachII.
Varför var inte Naish med i testerna i “Kitesurf Magazine”? Någon som vet hur “X3” 18m² funkar i lätta vindar i jämförelse med tex F-one som hade bra lättvindsegenskaper.
/Oskarbenny svarade 21 år, 10 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 4 Svar -
4 Svar
Den största Mach2 an är endast 16m2 stor… x3 har inte kommit ut än, och har därför inte varit med på så många tester….
glömde nästan, kiten säljs av stormvarning … deras adress är iaf . Mach2 16m2 kostar 13495kr. Skimarine säljer också f-one..
“håller på att skramla ihop till min…”
/ Olle
Vi säljer F-one i sverige(I sammarbete med skimarine),
du är välkommen att maila eller ringa, Naish x2 och Mach2 testas “Mot” varandra i ett tidigare numer av Kitesurfmag, där mach2 får något bättre resultat, men jag är definitivt subjektiv, men som sagt var ring eller maila gärna//Mvh Bengt N 070-941 47 91, -
Tjenare Oscar.
Precis som Olle sa så är den i dags läget största
MACH ll: an 16m2.
Det finns tydligen en tanke hos Raphaelle och grabbarna på F-One att göra en 18m2 eller större men än så länge ligger det bara på planerings stadiet.
Men iallafall, här e vad Rapahel Salles själv har att säga om MACH ll:an.Mvh Benny
Skid.Nua new kite is born !
September 2002…
Our first priority was to improve the wind range :
it is useless to have
the best kite if you can only use it in a wind range of 5 knots !
Do you want to know why ?
First, because it is really too easy to make !
Secondly, because most of the time, when you kitesurf in Europe, the
wind is very gusty.
Third, because the future of our sport depends on the budget you
need to have fun every day !
One of the improvements of the wind range is that the MACH2 gained
a lot in light wind conditions : it has now more power than the MACH1.
On top of that, I had in my memory the feeling of the speed and
performances of the foil kites…and I was missing that. The greatest
difference between foils and inflatables is the wind window. It is also
the difference between an aspect ratio 2.5 and an aspect ratio 6.
A greater wind window gives you a greater force of traction forwards,
so a much better upwind, less resistance in the water and more speed,
and a more vertical traction for the jumps. This gives you also a better
control of the kite in high wind conditions.
To arrive at these results, we had to minimize the drag in the air as
much as possible and to optimise the profile.
Of course, we also worked on all the characteristics necessary to have
a good kite : stability, relaunching, security, handling, stiffness,
durability, choice of materials, etc.
The MACH 2 has a little bit higher aspect ratio than the MACH 1 and 9
inflatables Slim Battens (small diameters). No more fiberglass battens !
We will come back to you very soon with more technical details.
Of course, we could come up with a tons of “design-marketing-super
high technical” names for all the characteristics of the kite but what I
would say is :
Perfection is when you have taken away
everything that is useless ! Raphaël Salles
The MACH2 it is a completely new concept.
I have been working on kites for 5 years with our
designer, Sylvain PERETTI. We implemented all our
competences in the development of the MACH 2.
Now we can say that the MACH 2 is the best kite
because it has :
– the widest wind range,
– the widest wind window.
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