Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing The Kite And Windsurfing Guide Europe

  • The Kite And Windsurfing Guide Europe

    Publicerad av mat på 1 juni, 2006 vid 17:44

    Boken finns nu på engelska! Här kommer den press release som jag fick med några pics:


    The first comprehensive spotguide for kite- and windsurfing in Europe is out now!

    As kiters and windsurfers, two questions occupy our minds: Where shall I go for my next surf-trip? And, once there: Which spot’s best today? This book has the answers!

    THE KITE AND WINDSURFING GUIDE EUROPE spans 15 countries, more than 35,000 kilometres of coastline and over 1500 spots. Includes select local knowledge of wind and waves, conditions on the water as well as ashore. 400 pages, 1000 breathtaking photos and detailed maps of every region…
    The Guide also offers travel information on each country and its people as well as insights into each area’s kite- and windsurfing scene. Plus, it features a comprehensive introduction to Europe’s meteorology and oceanography, explaining the most important weather patterns and wind systems complete with local wind stats and temperature charts. Europe uncovered – relevant to kiters and windsurfers alike.

    In 2½ years the team of stoked publications collected first hand information from hundreds of experienced locals all over Europe among them guys like Sebastian Wenzel from Guincho, Björn Dunkerbeck on Gran Canaria, Irish wave hunter Timo Mullen, Achim Stutzmann on Fehmarn or Eduardo Bellini in Tarifa. The same applies to the photos which where taken by 100 of the world’s leading kite & windsurf photographers, it just feels like a who-is-who of the whole sector. This spotguide sets the standard, a must-have for all kite & windsurf travellers in Europe!

    Featured Countries include: Ireland, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France (incl. Corsica), Spain, (incl. the Balearics), Portugal, Italy (incl. Sardinia & Sicily), Greece & the Greek Islands, Turkey, Morocco & the Canary Islands.

    The Guide is now available in English language for EURO 45,- in well stocked kite- & windsurfing shops or online at

    monkey svarade 18 år, 9 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 3 Svar
  • 3 Svar
  • johanw

    1 juni, 2006 vid 19:10


  • skotten

    1 juni, 2006 vid 22:20

    hmmm nice

  • monkey

    2 juni, 2006 vid 06:26

    Jag bläddrade i den hos BULL när jag var i Tarifa för några veckor sedan… Tänkte kolla om man kan köpa den nånstans för den var seriöst bra. Oavsett vart man åker så finns det spots i närheten, i princip.

    Jag kollade upp ISBN så man kan beställa den hos sin lokala boksnubbe på hörnet. ISBN:3-937323-29-5

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