Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing The Lista Wave Challenge 2009

  • The Lista Wave Challenge 2009

    Publicerad av tws på 28 oktober, 2009 vid 12:57

    Welcome to The Lista Wave Challenge 2009. Sailors from all the Nordic countries are welcome to join us surf the epic autumn swells of Lista, in the deep south of Norway. Date is 07-08 November with the two subsequent weekends as reserve dates. Are you up for the challenge?

    tws svarade 15 år, 3 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 3 Svar
  • 3 Svar
  • johan_gbg

    4 november, 2009 vid 16:09

    Nedre bilden är riktigt vacker!

  • mag

    4 november, 2009 vid 20:07

    Kolla vågornas storlek jämfört med vindsurfaren på bilden. Otroligt fin bild som ger surfsug. Vart är höstvindarna? De från väster alltså.

  • tws

    5 november, 2009 vid 21:00

    Lista Wave Challenge 07-08-November is postponed until first arrival of weekend lowpressure.

    Due to bad weatherforcasts for this weekend (the winds are not north-west), the Lista Wave Challenge will be postponed until first weekend with windprognosis shows a more favourable strong northwesterly wind.

    NFC will continue to monitor the Lista situation and as long as temperatures are over 5 degrees there is a possibility for competition until Christmas. :santa:

    Right now it seems to be along wait, but stay tuned every monday. Suddenly the forecasts are perfect.

    Aloha, NFC

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