Senaste nytt Forums Vågsurfing The Rules

  • The Rules

    Publicerad av sharkboy på 3 januari, 2007 vid 11:53

    -Don’t drop in, the surfer positioned deepest has the right of way.

    -Don’t snake, snaking is when you paddle deeper than someone who was deeper to start with just to get priority, he/she is going…leave them alone.

    -Longboarders, just because you can catch a wave from further out does not give you right of way, it is still the surfer who is lined up deepest who has the right to it. Why? because you are using board volume and not skill to catch the waves in that scenario, you wouldn’t want guys on jetski’s towing in to ruin your session either would you?

    -BUT! if someone has already been up and riding for a while, don’t drop in behind him (that’s again snaking)

    -Do not lie or get in the way of the people surfing, if you are paddling out, avoid the track where people are riding. Don’t race them for the shoulder to avoid a duckdive, you paddle to the soup and take it.

    -Never let go of your board when paddling out!

    -Don’t paddle for a wave (pressa) if someone is paddling for it, leave them alone, you may force them to adjust their line on the wave and that ain’t cool, especially at breaks with tight take-off zones.-

    -You will lose priority for the wave IF!:
    :you sit on top of everyone (deeper/further out) and then miss the first wave you paddle for. the other’s might not have taken it because they didn’t want to ’pressa’ The next wave is no longer yours. In this wave starved country, we can’t have people wasting more then one wave of a set.
    : You will also lose priority if you sit on top of everyone and repeatedly fall! Had some guy doing this not too long ago at a recent pointbreak, He’d sit on everyone, paddle for the first wave and fall, and when you’d turn and go he’d be lying with his board spread out and in the way (waisting two waves of every set) and then go and paddle deeper than everyone all over again. Not cool!

    -At point breaks it is considered rude to paddle over people for priority, if you got a good set from the deepest position, it is considered good manners to wait out a set (from a lesser prioritized position)before paddling deepest. Not everyone wants to sit deepest at points because sometimes the better take off zone is not always deepest. (Some waves hug a reef better when they wrap that’s why)


    above_the_law svarade 14 år, 6 månader sedan 5 Medlemmar · 5 Svar
  • 5 Svar
  • kvabbso

    4 juli, 2008 vid 08:10

    Har du kolla för mycket på gammla 80-tals filmer, hajpöjken?

  • sharkboy

    4 juli, 2008 vid 18:00


  • labolina

    3 augusti, 2008 vid 09:49

    …om du kollat på för mkt 80-tals rullar så ’good on ya mate’.!
    Oskriven lag som bör följas.

  • culprido

    3 september, 2009 vid 07:27

    Thank’s for the usefull rules!

  • above_the_law

    6 september, 2010 vid 11:06


    SharkBoy;357342 wrote:
    -Don’t drop in, the surfer positioned deepest has the right of way.

    -Don’t snake, snaking is when you paddle deeper than someone who was deeper to start with just to get priority, he/she is going…leave them alone.

    -Longboarders, just because you can catch a wave from further out does not give you right of way, it is still the surfer who is lined up deepest who has the right to it. Why? because you are using board volume and not skill to catch the waves in that scenario, you wouldn’t want guys on jetski’s towing in to ruin your session either would you?

    -BUT! if someone has already been up and riding for a while, don’t drop in behind him (that’s again snaking)

    -Do not lie or get in the way of the people surfing, if you are paddling out, avoid the track where people are riding. Don’t race them for the shoulder to avoid a duckdive, you paddle to the soup and take it.

    -Never let go of your board when paddling out!

    -Don’t paddle for a wave (pressa) if someone is paddling for it, leave them alone, you may force them to adjust their line on the wave and that ain’t cool, especially at breaks with tight take-off zones.-

    -You will lose priority for the wave IF!:
    :you sit on top of everyone (deeper/further out) and then miss the first wave you paddle for. the other’s might not have taken it because they didn’t want to ’pressa’ The next wave is no longer yours. In this wave starved country, we can’t have people wasting more then one wave of a set.
    : You will also lose priority if you sit on top of everyone and repeatedly fall! Had some guy doing this not too long ago at a recent pointbreak, He’d sit on everyone, paddle for the first wave and fall, and when you’d turn and go he’d be lying with his board spread out and in the way (waisting two waves of every set) and then go and paddle deeper than everyone all over again. Not cool!

    -At point breaks it is considered rude to paddle over people for priority, if you got a good set from the deepest position, it is considered good manners to wait out a set (from a lesser prioritized position)before paddling deepest. Not everyone wants to sit deepest at points because sometimes the better take off zone is not always deepest. (Some waves hug a reef better when they wrap that’s why)



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