Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Branschnyheter THOMMEN CUSTOM SAILBOARDS


    Publicerad av mark_thoms på 13 december, 2017 vid 12:57

    aloha windsurfers!

    thanks alowing me to introduce our Peter Thommen shaped custom boards:

    THE REAL DEAL! Thousands of boards shaped by his hands and hundreds of podiums using his boards, so one can safely call him the “World Champion of Shape”. Just don’t let titles mislead you: Peter’s designs are not exclusively for Pros. Windsurfers of all levels can enjoy the thrill of sailing a real Thommen.

    MASTER SERIES – PRÊT-À-PORTER! A compact range of Thommen signature shapes. The result of Peter’s lifetime experience, the input of T1 product manager Mark Thoms and feedback of our team. All tested and proven. The “Can’t-Go-Wrong” choice for most windsurfers. Although the basic shape is outlined, there’s still some room for customizing your next board. A few liters more or less. A special paint job. No problem, everything is possible yet adds to the total.

    Inquires welcome!


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    mark_thoms svarade 7 år, 3 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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