Thursday (aug. 24th)
It’s happening!
Hollywood GBG in cooperation with Lost and Oakley will be having a surf night at ISh Vasa Victoria gatan.On the menu;
The Swedish Premier’s of …Lost The Decline and
Oakley’s ’A seperate volume’Also showing, many lost classics such as ’What’s really going wrong’ ’Lost across America Volumes I,II, andIII’ and ’Around the World with Spike’!!
Free admission but ya gotta be 18.
Beers 24 kroner, Wine 24 kroner, and gay drinks, I mean Cider 24 kroner.Also, we will raffle off a surfboard so you can buy a chance to win a new board for only 100 kroner (last time only 65 showed up so your chances are good)
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