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well, thats not entirely true… but you do get what you pay for.. I mean compare eddie and ghost for example… eddie would have never complimented a reacharound…
Anyway to reply to your original post Kalina.. has been planning a chick camp tour for a while, but unfortunately our head female instructor has injured herself really badly, and since then it has been hard to get girls onboard with extensively male instructors. (as the whole idea is just to have a bunch of chicks doing their thing together).
I will do my best to make sure that if you take a course with us, we will set it up so that you are at least on a course with another chick for the day.
Drop us a mail at bokakurs @ and we can see what we can do in the future.
haha now we can all be silly again… Eddie, what sort of costumes would these be then bad boy?? *grin
Tony Tony… vi är ju med i samma klubbar så du vet ju mycket väl vad jag pratar om.
Btw, förstör nu inte mitt ”goda rykte”. Jag har tänkt att göra ett infall, snett bakifrån, i augusti mot den där roliga tjejen som kan slåss. -
Vi har kurser med bara tjejer nästan varje vecka. Vår kvinnliga certifierade instruktör Malin jobbar här i Skåne från 7 Juli och framåt.
Välkommen hem ner till Skåne, det finns gott om kitande tjejer här.
Hör gärna av dig!
Erik Gibson
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