Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Viktklasser och GPS i Formula enligt AGM 2005


  • Viktklasser och GPS i Formula enligt AGM 2005

    Publicerad av swe142 på 2 januari, 2006 vid 22:55


    Följande står rörande viktklasser i AGM MoM 2005 för Formula klassen (

    ”6.b)- We support the proposal to add weight divisions YES / NO
    see Appendix C . 15 for 2 against
    Weight limit pegged at 75kg. 13 for 4 against
    6.c)- We support the proposal to permit the controlled use
    of GPS for promotion and media purposes YES / NO
    see Appendix D 17 for 0 against”

    ”In Italy, considering the average physical mass of our population, we decided to
    determine a break between Lightweight and Heavyweight at 75 kg. instead of
    75-80 as for international rules.
    Obviously northeuropean and american people are usually more tall and heavy
    than Mediterranean one and so we understood what International FW Class

    So we have written an Appendix to FW Rules as following:
    1/ All sailors who weigh till 75 kg. are Lightweight. The final results for this
    Division will be extract from the general final results with the relevant points as
    for Italian Sailing Federation Rules. All sailors who weigh more than 75 kg. are
    Heavyweight Division and they have points for the general final results only.
    2/ Competitors’ weigh may be checked by a measurer or by people delegated by
    the Race Committee in which the Italian FW Class Management trust. This
    general rule shall apply in all regattas (national, inter-regio or regional level). The
    event organizer shall inform the Class about the name of people delegated and
    the Class will confirm it in writing. If this general rule shall not apply, the
    Class may not accept the final results of Lightweight Division.
    3/ When entering a regatta all competitors shall self-certificate their weigh.
    4/ Competitors’ weigh may be checked before, after or during a regatta, for a
    relevant protest, for a Race Committee decision, by random or by lot. The
    relevant competitor shall immediately go to the balance with the people
    delegated by the Race Committee and weighed without equipment and any wet
    5/ All competitors entered as Lightweight that during a check weigh more than
    75 kg. will be included among the general final results only but they will not be
    6/ We will apply sanctions not for weigh difference, but for self-certificated
    Division final results only.”

    Hur ser förbundet på detta inför 2006 års säsong? Skall det införas i SWT också eller? Personligen tror jag att det kan locka fler lättviktare till Formula tävlingarna och det skadar inte att hålla koll på det åtminstone via ett ”self certificate” samt att det syns i resultatlistorna.

    Vad gäller GPS så antar jag att det blir officiellt tillåtet i SWT nu också och att vi kan börja använda det för att öka intresset för att tävla. T.ex. lägga upp GPSAR loggarna från dem som har GPSer på samma sätt som efter FW Worlds.

    //Mvh Håkan, SWE-142

    swe-514 svarade 19 år, 2 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar
  • swe-514

    10 januari, 2006 vid 14:15

    Utdrag från star-boards forum om viktklasser och lite ”frieri” 😀

    date 1/8/2006 6:05:10 AM
    message Hi Guys,
    I would completely support racing in the mens fleet, I find it much more exciting and challenging. I still believe that you can get the womens results out of the mens results just like you pull the youth and masters out of the overall points score.
    In Silvaplana I was 4th to the top mark out of all the guys, 120 of them and this was unlimited weight range! I finished the five lap marathon race around 20th which isnt bad for a chick. 4 places outside the mens prize money! I dont see why the girls cant race with the guys. I am actually sick of the guys telling us how much slower we are and that we cant compete or we might stuff up their races. Well if you look at the reports from the FW worlds in Melbourne it was 2 men that ran into me! one on the womens starting line and one out in the middle of the course.
    I think racing with the men creates separation in the points especially when there are not many women competing, and then you can really see who is doing better in all conditions. When there arent many competing you can be really good in one condition but it doesnt show on the points if the same people are coming 2nd and 3rd, but then in your wost condition you come 2nd by only a few meters or seconds! If there where men mixed in you can really see the difference. Becides its funny watching the guys try really hard not to get beaten by a girl! What do you guys think?
    from Allison ( )

    post number 21
    date 1/8/2006 8:36:56 AM
    message I think, Billy Jean King and Bobby Fisher.

    I think, that would get some great media exposure.

    I think, they wouldn’t loose the vidio action this time.

    I think, you would not only win the open, but the womens and light weight too.

    I think, i wanna marry you and be your board boy slave for the rest of my life.
    from ( )

    post number 22
    date 1/8/2006 6:06:33 PM
    message Haha, If you want to be my board boy slave you have to be able to carry over 200kg through an airport unassisted without complaint and be prepared to travel 10 months of the year. I will only tell you how I like my coffee once! No second chances.
    from Allison ( )

    post number 23
    date 1/8/2006 9:52:59 PM
    message ok,
    how do you want that coffee.
    from ( )

    post number 24
    date 1/9/2006 1:46:24 AM
    message Surely should be one overall with race within a race:
    – youth if appropriate
    – women divivision if appropriate
    – lightweights under 75kg

    I sail like a girl (a proper girly girl, not a racer girl like AUS911), have an IQ approaching a 7 year old, and I used to be able to box as a welter, so maybe I can be in all 3 races within a race. 🙂

    Since you are a fast sailor AUS911, do you drink espresso?
    from KIp ( )

    post number 25
    date 1/9/2006 6:51:57 AM
    message I like white coffee and no sugar. I also like cappucinos probably because I’m a chocoholic and like to have chocholate on top!
    No I dont drink espresso, I tried my first one in France last year and didnt mind it, but was let down by the quantity! Coming from Aus we have a big mug of coffee, and a little shotglass with concentrated coffee didnt really do if for me.

    from allison ( )

    post number 26
    date 1/9/2006 12:14:32 PM
    message Bummer – now I have to lose 5kg and I am already pretty thin.
    from Ken Merten ( )

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