Vindsurfer polisanmeld på Mäkläpen, it was me….
OK boys, for those of you who have not heard, it was actually me that got stuck right at the very tip of Måkläppen and taken away by the cops.
I sail a yacht with my family in the summer so I know how flat it gets there in anything Northerly. I started sailing just from just West of the canal.
It was my second day out after 18 years of no windsurfing. A mate of mine in the States gave me a 2004 Carve 99 and two Neil Pryde sails, it was blowing 10m/s NE so I started sailing up towards Näset, I think you have stay 200m of the beach or something, anyway, made it all the way up towards Näset in about six tacks.
On my last run getting all the way out towards the tip of Näset, still 200 meters out, I felt my board go off balance, looked down and the mast foot was not in the center line anymore. tried to head in as high upwind as I could and about 150 meters of the beach, South of Näset, the bolt that goes into the mast track let go, probably been sitting in my mates garage wet with salty SanFran water over and over again and a galvanic cell kinda thing just ate the bolt where it goes through the big flat plastic washer that rests between the mast foot and the board.
It took me at least half an hour to swim the board and rig in to the shore. There were seals all around me, they came as close as three meters to me and were at least 20 of them.
Once on the shore, I tied my board on top of my sail and ballanced it on my head in the stiff 10m/s breeze and proceeded to walk back to my car.
I tried along the shoreline but it was so muddy and full of reeds that I gave that up, instead, I walked up on dry land and, in the waste deep grass and bushes proceed to walk out, I fell many time on the uneven ground, after the first half an hour I notice an idiot about 100 meters ahead of me, ”spying on me” with his camera or phone or binoculars or something, for the next hour he was there, always 100 meters ahead, no help offered to me, and I was very obviously having a hard time of it.
This is now 2 hours since I started swimming in and I am really exhausted, starting to feel quite dehydrated and weak. Once on the beach I am met by the ”Livräddare” in his Landrover.
”Hey” I smile
”Sure glad to see you! ” thinking he is going to help me out with a lift back to my car…
This is when it gets even better, he proceeds to shit me out from a dizzy height, telling me how much trouble I am in and being a real dick about it too.
I show him the broken bolt and tell him how close I was to actually drowning out there and ask him if I should rather have drowned instead of swimming in amongst his precious seals and he actually tells me yes, he would rather I had drowned ! At this time I lost my temper and told him to ”F…off” and refused to talk to him anymore. He points down the beach and says ”they are waiting for you”.In the distance I see 2 dark figures who turned out to be cops. We met half way, the arsehole in his Landrover following me along the beach as I still carry my downed equipement.
The cops were cool but when the ”Livradderen” came and joined us I told the cops I didn’t want that idiot anywhere near me, I told them what he had said to get me so angry and he blatantly denied it all, the coward!
He got the same message from me again the cops tried to calm us down a bit and eventually took him off to one side so they could get my story out of me, they took pictures of my broken bolt and were kind enough to give me a lift back to my car so I could drive back to my rig and fetch it.
They also thought the ”Livräddere” was being a dick but could not stop him from ”police anmelding” me. They could take a statement that day or if I wanted a defender, they would have to do it at later date. I decided the defender would come in handy so opted for a later date. About 10 days, without any further contact later I got a letter from the ”åklager”. All was well, he did not think I had had any criminal intentions and had dropped the whole thing.
The cops said they had been looking for me for over an hour when I first met them on the beach and a story I had read in the paper kept flashing in head the rest of the day. A woman had found someone on ”Blocket” selling a bicycle that had been stolen from her, she had been to see it and identified it as hers and called the cops, only to be told that they were to busy to be dealing with stuff like that .I am not saying the police were wrong here because they were really nice guys, I just don’t get how they can waste their time with these nature lovers and their hatred for anything that is not birdwatching or flower photographing or whatever floats their boat. This was such a clear cut case of ”sjönöd” but even though the police didn’t think it was needed, they still had to go all the way and waste all this time and energy and resources by ”polisanmelding” me.
The ”Livräddre” dude was just such a jerk, he should be so ashamed of himself, driving around like Baywatch and thinking he is such a hero when he was just a little man, out for blood, ”hehe, now I got him, this windsurfer doesn’t know who he is messing with !”
The whole incident just left such a bad taste in my mouth.
A taste that gets even worse everytime I walk across the stones and down the bank and through the mud and grass and god knows what else is in that muddy stuff between the car park and Habo’s water, I actually found a maggot in the velcro on my wetsuit boot the other day ! Then I think about the white sand on those beaches down in Skanör/Falstorbö area and how nice it would be to launch from there, they are deserted for 2/3rds of the year! It is just not fair at all the way they have all this no surfing here and here and here, with no real reason other than some old dudes had a council meeting and decided on it. Sure, Näset has seals, I can get that we should leave them in peace, but the rest of the areas down there are so heavily restricted for nothing, comments welcome here guys ….
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