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  • Vinterns Värdelösa Vetande

    Publicerad av teabag på 2 december, 2002 vid 21:22

    På mitt i alltigenom outtröttliga letande efter vindsurfingsanningen haver jag funnit följande helt värdelösa vetande som vi inte får undanhålla publiken i den blivande republiken:

    Windsurfing StealthBomber

    Confessions Of An Italian Infiltrator
    Reported May 9, 1997

    While I was sleeping, last night, I had a nightmare: I was alone among many children who was surrounding me; they was sad, scared, and they was starring at me with their empty looks giving me all the evil of the world. I could read my sentence in their eyes. Immediately I waked up upset and in a few time a decided to lighten my life of a huge weight. I decided to betray my mission, my past years and my comrades but to save my soul. I decided to write this letter to you, since I saw that there’s people, like you, who know the imminent danger.

    Our bosses always told us that we had a great purpose, the ultimate one: to control the world in the name of peace. But they told us also that our task was to kill any opposer, olds and boys either, our orders was to do not take prisoners. For many years I thought this was a necessary compromise to reach our fundamental objective – the complete peace on the world – but now I think the price is too high. Or rather, now I’m sure that they would conquer the world for other reasons, perhaps to keep the people slave.

    I want to tell you, people of the free world, that actually exists an enormous underground organization, parallel to the United Nations, whose mission is to take the world power. It’s secretely run by the most important U.N. executives: its boss is Brutus CallMe (the real name of the late United Nations’ secretary Boutrous Ghali); the others are the terrible chinese Wee Fa Ku, the german nazi Tschildren Ripper, the sicilian Vito Mafia, the british dark lady Faith Inblood and the japanese samurai Hon Ly Blod.

    Till now I belonged to the UN army, which is an integrated multinational military force mostly composed by brave youngs (who hate their own governments) of the whole planet. The UN army consists of the air force, the infantry and the navy. Its effectiveness is astonishing, if you think at its means and techiniques. In fact, the air force consists of about 5.000 UNFX fighters, which are outstanding ultralight delta airplanes; these warbirds, with their stealth characteristics and hyper-manouvrability, can penetrate any air space without being discovered (owing to the fact that sail-wings are not detected by RADARs), destroy all the strategic targets and defeat any enemy dogfighter (including F-22s and EF-2000s). Their standard weapons are hand-bombs, cal. 12 shotguns and slings. The UN navy is composed by about 10.000 camouflaged fishing boats and diverse kinds of vessels, but its diamond-head are the marine corps. Till now I was in the UN marine corps; our task was to conduct amphibious warfare.

    For many years we trained to assault the coasts entering the enemy waters using stealth sailboards. So when you’ll see a sailboarder on water, be careful, he could be an UN infiltrator! To assure that, check out for the mast: if it is of carbonium (this means it would be used as gun-barrel) surely you’ve found an infiltrator. We are used also to perform night landings. My team was capable to tack with sailboards along the rivers up to the inner too, to surround the population. If you sometime see some windsurfer on rivers, don’t hesitate: shoot him! But there’s more, in fact we

    [This was the end of the message. We believe that the author was discovered by UN authorities and cut off.]

    Antonio D.

    Jag som trodde Bosse och jag var ensamma i våra fruktlösa försök att korsa Mysingen på natten….Mot basen.

    Värdelöst vetande har dock fler funktioner bl.a denna fantastiska vindsurfingssegel ala Batman:

    Läs och begrunda och ha det bra i vinterkylan.

    teabag svarade 22 år, 3 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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