Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Voting or scoring system.

  • Voting or scoring system.

    Publicerad av maris på 2 april, 2007 vid 12:33


    Greetings from Latvia! I’m looking for some info about windsurfing freestyle (and wave) competition voting or scoring system. When sailor goes into elimination judges give points for moves what he make. Some points they give for move, some points for how it has done (completed or not, how stylish etc.). In PWA and EFPT homepages I did not find any info about that. Our windsurfing association don’t have that kind of info too. It is because we have only Formula Windsurfing or Slalom competitions. Now situation has changed and Latvian guys want to take part into wave and freestyle competitions and organize it by them selves. I’d be grateful if someone can tell how to find that kind of info.


    maris svarade 17 år, 10 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 4 Svar
  • 4 Svar
  • lars_k

    2 april, 2007 vid 13:35

    There are rules on the PWA-site. Have you found these?

    They are under ”about” -> ”downloadable rulebook”.

  • maris

    10 april, 2007 vid 07:46

    Thanx, but actually this is not what I’m looking for. This is ”just” rules but I want to understand how judges voting individual moves, like:

    1. backloop – 3 points
    2. forward – 2
    3. push – 5
    4. … etc.

    I still hope that somebody will help me.

  • Oregistrerade

    25 april, 2007 vid 20:01

    Hi Maris,

    Our system of judging is like this. We have the PWA judging as a rolemodel. We have divided the judging of the freestylemanouvers into 3 categories: classic moves, advanced moves and extreme moves.

    Classic moves are manouvers like helitack, duckjibe, carving 360, upwind 360 etc…

    Advanced moves are more komplicated moves with jumps, like volcano, spock grubby, loops. (180 turns like volcano gives less points than 360 turns like spock. 360 turns like grubby and spock gives less points than spock 540 etc..)

    Extreme manouvers are advanced manouvers like clewfirst spock, flaka, chacho and everything else that look extreme or what the judges find look hard and cool.

    The judges have to look at this factors in the heat:
    Variation in= port tack/starboard, different manouvers etc
    Technical skills = Doing manouvers in high and/or different categories, less water contact, speed/aggressivity etc…
    Overall impression = Doing manouvers close to he judging tower, good flow in the heat, good speed and agressivity etc…

    Putting points…
    Putting points is really hard to do, but we worked like this:
    During the heat the judges writes down a short note wich manouver is being performed and mark with minus or plus depending how they appreciated the manouver (considering to the technical skill).
    When the judges look at the scoresheat they count how many manouvers are being performed in the 3 categories, Extreme moves gives most points, advanced moves second most and classic moves gives less points. The judges must take notice to the plus and minus marks and then they can see which competitor who gets the best points and overall impression.

    We did not use actual numbers as points because the time for the judges is to short between the heats. The judges could by counting the manouvers in each category and look at the plus and minus announce a fair winner.

    Good luck with the competitions in Latvia!!!

    If you have any questions, please contact me.


  • maris

    26 april, 2007 vid 06:55

    Thank You, very, very much!!! Now I start to understand what’s going on. Actually there is no points giving. It’s all about how good are judges.
    Thank you for explanation and support.


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