Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing westerly wind 5-8m/s Malmö tomorrow..

  • skotten

    12 maj, 2006 vid 06:45

    why??, why do they do this??…. Yesterday I saw the weather, the woman promised sun, sand, a wind from the west, at least 5m/s, free pizza and a shoulder rub… I should have known that all this was too good to be true. Its not fair, I get up this morning and went down the beach… My hair gets blown around more when I fart, ok I think ”there is no wind”…. so I come home and sit here looking for any website that says ”there is actually wind”, just so I can get my hopes up… only to look outside again and see there is actually no wind…

    Its just not fair…..

  • tomw

    12 maj, 2006 vid 08:53


    You are totally hooked.

    Never listen to women on TV with fake suntans, they have a tendency to show up on TV shop, and weather forcasts.

    There will be no wind, nor will you get a sixpack of muscles on your stomach.

    I suggest that you ake up skateboarding and head over to the skate park at Stapelbäddsparken just north of the Mässan (old Saab factory) in the renovated Harbor area.

    Looking like it will be good on sunday…..look at windguru

    Introduce yourself some day at the beach. I´m the only guy on Windwing kites and an OR Mako board.

    Regards, TomW (ex-pat Americano)

  • annas

    12 maj, 2006 vid 09:30

    yeah he’s right..
    but I’ve got a real tan and can normally tell whether it’ll be windy or not.. so just ask, hehe :cool2:

  • skotten

    12 maj, 2006 vid 09:55

    lol looks like I am not the only one….

    Anna, you forgot to mention that if I buy some magic cream it will make my belly flat and turn me into an awesome rider!

  • annas

    12 maj, 2006 vid 10:18

    haha, even better than the one with bow kites

  • baner

    12 maj, 2006 vid 10:24

    Nice one ! Skotten come up to Gothenborg we will have planty of wind !
    It´s just a two hour drive.

  • pjoter

    12 maj, 2006 vid 10:56

    rymdinvasion i habo

    brukar inte va ett tecken på bra drag…

  • johanw

    12 maj, 2006 vid 11:07

    hehe.. ja jag hade nog inte vågat mig ut..

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