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  • Wind coming this Tuesday! Where to go? (Malmo)

    Publicerad av stephenirl på 2 oktober, 2011 vid 10:15


    Please forgive my lack of Swedish! I am based in Malmo, and am looking at the forecast for next Tuesday after work.

    There is good wind coming in from the west / southwest. Where would people recommend going? I am thinking of Kämpinge, or perhaps Lomma.

    I am looking for whatever conditions – flat, bump and jump, or medium waves.

    Can anyone make any recommendations?

    Many thanks


    carlito74 svarade 13 år, 5 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 5 Svar
  • 5 Svar
  • isis

    2 oktober, 2011 vid 12:25

    Habo Ljung is pretty good and close to malmö. Lots of weed though. Its a pretty flat spot with some breaking waves on the sandreef that surrounds the spot. If the conditions are good i believe a lot of people will show up.

  • stephenirl

    3 oktober, 2011 vid 16:53


    I’ll probably head to Kampinge as its close to work. Hopefully I’ll catch some people there

    Have a good day!


  • carlito74

    3 oktober, 2011 vid 18:13

    Hi. I think Kämpinge is great especially on SE-winds, but probably not the best option tomorrow as the winds are gonna be too west-oriented. A better option ~10 minutes away is Skanörs hamn (especially north of the harbour), if you are looking for waves. For flatter water, head further north to Klagshamn or for even flatter you should go to Habo Ljung (Lomma). You’ll get a good overview folloing this link:

    Remember that all these spots are very close to each other, in principle within 30 minutes drive. Parking in Kämpinge can also be a bit cumbersome.

  • stephenirl

    3 oktober, 2011 vid 18:35

    Thats great – thanks for the advice.

    I think I will go for either Skanors hamn or Klagshamn, probably Kalgshamn… Are there any fin-dangers there, with very shallow water? It looks quite shallow from the bridge!

    Any of you guys going there? I’m going to try to get away from work ay 4pm.

    Thanks again for the local knowledge…


  • carlito74

    3 oktober, 2011 vid 21:04

    Klagshamn is partly very shallow, but all sand. You are basically sailing on a sand reef. All rocks are marked with buoys/flags/sticks. On west wind, you can basically choose to either sail on shallow, flat water, or go further west (upwind) to get deeper and more wavy water. No problems regarding the fin, but make sure you bring a (relatively small) weed fin – here as on virtually all spots in Skåne….

    Personally not going out tomorrow (live in Stockholm) but hope to get there over weekend. You should be sure to meet a dozen of surfers though, Klagshamn is always busy on high winds.

    Good Luck!

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