Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Windsurfingspel…

  • jeppo_f

    30 juni, 2006 vid 07:45

    Haha! Förstår om du går igång på det här spelet. Alla segel i hela spelet (i alla fall enligt filmen på websiten) är ju racesegel, inklusive i freestylandet.

    Såg lite coolt ut med en spock med ett stort fullcambrat segel… Nått att börja öva på kanske?


  • speedjanne

    30 juni, 2006 vid 08:11

    Vad är en spock???

  • calle_b

    30 juni, 2006 vid 08:31

    stor tung karaktär från Star Trek, kännetäcknas av stora öron och bänga kommentarer så som ”Beam me up, Scotty”.

    Grymt spel, har det, gillar det.

    Moj mokulat

  • speedjanne

    30 juni, 2006 vid 08:54

    Grymt! har laddat hem demon.Hur gippar man? Måste ha fullversionen!! fan vågar man pynta med visa kortet i dessa tider?
    Är vi många som bet kanske vi kan få med Fiskebäck som spot!!

  • the_surfer

    30 juni, 2006 vid 09:39

    Verkar riktigt collt, har väntat på det här länge nu! det är väl första gången som ett windsurfing spel har funnits på marknaden eller är det bara jag som inte riktigt har hängt med?

  • speedjanne

    30 juni, 2006 vid 09:41

    Intervju med snubben som gjort spelet…..

  • fredrik-ygge

    30 juni, 2006 vid 10:19

    Genom blir det: How was born this project Windsurfing The Game? Jerome Six: It is a project which me trotte since a few years in the head. 5 years ago, I started to create the first models and a first very basic play. Then the motivation fell down, the project stopped and remained a few years engraved on Cd in a cupboard. I went back there to the last end of the year, with front me not badly of time (my girlfriend was to study very intensely for its examination of state) and a super motivation. Having sought without success on Internet of the similar projects, I said myself that it was a shame that there is not any play of windsurf on the market. The project advances since very quickly and the new ideas appear in an exponential way, thanks inter alia, to those subjected on the forum of the site Windsurfing The Game. WJ: Did you are yourself windsurfer one imagines, how come to you the virus from the windsurf? JS: I remember it surprisingly rather well, after a few holidays over the Riviera and several hours of practice of board, the catch… The board which seems to accelerate more than usually, the sail which is inclined all alone backwards and the impression sudden that the board slips to me completely under the feet. My first planing! Since this sport remained my real passion and it left me never again. WJ: Which is the general feedback on the play? JS: At mitigated the enough beginning. Many people believed that they were professionals of the play and were disappointed enough, which is included/understood. Others require nicely when they will receive the play by the Post office or in which store one can get it, it is amusing. But in this moment with the recent improvements, I receive thanks enormously and congratulations and the community grows very quickly! Ca helps much with the future developments, as well on the level of the motivation as of the new ideas! WJ: Realism seizing, how do you work are to develop new functionalities, new graphics? JS: The sea is what gives me the most concern of this with dimensions. It asks, to be well represented, still of large graphic performances with dimensions hardware (graphics board thus) and technique. But Ca becomes better and better, I learn a little on the heap too. I in general have high waitings on this level and I try to make stick the result the best possible one to these waitings. The result is not always satisfactory but often very beautiful despite everything. I currently have a rather impressive list of ideas, which I partly owe at the community, and it is perfect like Ca, because it is all together which one can develop the ultimate play! WJ: In a few weeks, this play experienced many developments already… New spots, new courses, the possibility of running in fleet… Where the concept will stop you it? JS: It will never stop! I dream of a virtual championship entirely organized via Internet where the runners are on water, the spectators on the beach, others thus regulating to them matos… that the planchists of all the country of the world find themselves for each stage in a virtual world turning around the board, and this in real time! There thus remains to us still a little bread on the board, but with the technology placed at the disposal nowadays it is very feasible. WJ: According to you, why no play was born until now in mode comforts? JS: Certainly because of the economic potential of such an action. Few people practise the windsurf compared for example with the ski or with the snowboard, it is at the more difficult and more expensive base. It is very disappointing and I would not have really anything to see apparaitre against a large competitor with my play with much more financial means the and human ones. Programming as a hobbyist, the development of Windsurfing 2007 is extremely restricted all the same! WJ: Is the play proposed at the price symbolic system of 12,99?… Is this voluntary? Are the sales with the height of your hopes? JS: Yes completely. It is necessary me first of all to deaden computer equipement, the licences, the books and quite simply the time spent to the development of the play, which does not cease a croitre with advance! For the moment the assessment is still negative, but it is not most important. By buying to the play the planchist the development supports because it has access to all the updates to come. It is a rather interdependent spirit which many included/understood, which is very flattering for the windsurfers and the windsurf in general! WJ: Can one in the long term consider plays in network while facing for example in vague the his pal with the other end of France? JS: As I said it précédement, it is what is planned for the version 1.30, whose exit is envisaged at the end of August. For the waves, it will be necessary to wait a little bit, I hold with maitriser perfectly the techniques of programming and graphics to attack itself with affutées weapons with the discipline queen of the windsurf… To know some more about Windsurfing 2007:

  • irritation

    30 juni, 2006 vid 10:22

    Lite såhära måste-ha-bara-för-sakens-skull-och-en-månads-tidsfördriv varning på det alltså! 🙂 Ska snacka med morsan om att låna kortet.

    Speedjanne: Det är inte stor risk att dom blåser dig men om du är osäker kan du göra som vi gör! Vi har ett Visa kort som bara kostar 150 kronor om året, det använder vi till saker på internet. Om jag eller min syrra ska ha något från nätet ger vi morsan pengarna det kostar cash, sen sätter hon in ett belopp (tex 200 kronor) på kortet och det är klirrat 🙂 Det mesta man förlorar är beloppet på kortet!

  • irritation

    30 juni, 2006 vid 10:45

    MEN DA! Jag trodde man bara fick spela fyra minuter allt som allt, men tydligen kan man köra fyra minuter många gånger! 🙂

  • fredrik-ygge

    30 juni, 2006 vid 10:55
    Speedjanne wrote:
    fan vågar man pynta med visa kortet i dessa tider?

    Bra trick om betalkort med minimalt belopp på som Irritation föreslår.

    Allmänt är det säkert om:
    1) Företaget man betalar till är seriöst. (Det verkar ju coolt här.)
    2) De har ordning på sin IT (vilket ju är svårare att försäkra sig om).
    3) Överföringen av data från dig till dem är krypterad. Kolla alltid att web-sidan du betalar på är krypterad. I adressfönstret skall det börja på ”https:” och inte bara ”http:”. Det skall också synas ett hänglås längst ned till höger i ramen på Internet Explorer. Maila ALDRIG kontokortsnummer.

  • irritation

    30 juni, 2006 vid 11:25

    betalningen sker via Paypal så jag tror det är lugnt! Men i vilket fall så är jag ganska säker på att jag ska köpa dethär spelet! 🙂 Det ska ju också komma vågor 🙂

  • svenne

    30 juni, 2006 vid 11:47

    Å alla brädor ser ut som lilla Fanatic Bee, yeeah – hardcore! 😀
    Bara det är en anledning att köpa.

  • speedjanne

    30 juni, 2006 vid 14:02

    Haha nu har jag hämtat hem det hur grymt som helst för en hundring, perfekt att sitta inne med vid datorn en dag som denna med 26c i skuggan.

  • jester

    30 juni, 2006 vid 14:51

    Faen Janne… Trodde du gick omkring o spände på Askim Beach med din fina Tanga-baddräkt (eller vad du nu kallar den) istället för att sitta inne en dag som denna…

  • speedjanne

    30 juni, 2006 vid 15:00

    Nix vem fan har tid att gå på stranden när man kan köra slalom 8 i Almanarre på datorn!

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