Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Snökite XC FreeRide Backcoutry Safari… ett ord: HÄRJEDALEN

  • XC FreeRide Backcoutry Safari… ett ord: HÄRJEDALEN

    Publicerad av flyvan på 28 mars, 2009 vid 23:11

    Hi everybody,

    This it has been an amazing snowkiting week, excellent condition for XC backcountry here in Härjedalen. Often in the night we had fresh little snow and very low temperatures… -20/-15 and during the day temperatures didn’t went up to 0. Sunny and sometimes very fast snowstorm.
    The first session it has been with a really light wind, almost in the begin, and then increasing getting higher. In that case I used Manta II 10m that gives me a good wind range and quite easy to move, it’s a real tractor to climb steep mountains and have always a good control of the power. In that session , I started under wind going upwind and climbing a soft hill, then everything get more easy and quickly I reach the highest peak of the area, giving me also an opportunity of a little fly (not so high) by kite.
    Then, I went on following the side of the mountain and coming down in the valley ready to come back. Snow in the best shape of ever… no stones at all and compact under the powder.

    You can watch a short video here, while I start and coming back:

    But the really cool safari it has been Friday … 54km done in 7 hours of kiting and dogskiing
    in a vary wild and big area. For that occasion I had Frenzy FYX 7m and Access XC 4m because the wind were around 12m/s in the morning and there were possibilities (many) that increases during the day. This had been the absolutely nicest experience I lived in the snow, accomplishing the real sense of adventure, exploring, the company of my Siberian husky and also the fact that the weather was continuously changing, from sun to snowfalls, and also the wind , in the top of the highest peak, it passed 20m/s and my Access XC 4m it was dragging me on the cliff also after that I opened the security… just imagine that. I was snowkiting with a 4m in flag, stalled, but still so much wind and power that I could go on a short traverse before I could stop and close everything. Really exiting to feel and to live the power of the nature. From that top the first road is 30km far and no other ways to get there …also because in many little valleys before to get the top it was plenty of stones out of the snow, so neighter a snowmobile could go there (almost, without to have some troubles).
    It has been quite hard getting back, all in upwind and than skiing in the forest in a light uphill. The experience has been very strong, sweet,emotional and physical. A safari XC that I suggest just to who search strong environment and has good knowledge of the area, weather and good training.

    In this video a condensed view of the XC backcountry experience by snowkiting safari:

    I also remember you that who wants to take part to a guided snowkiting safari, he can contact us at 0708 654 122 or check out our website and write us an email. Now we have 12 AMAZING spots all around , between Vemdalen – Hede – Funäsdalen and there is always a good spot where to go with quite every kind of winds and weather.

    See you to the next report

    flyvan svarade 15 år, 11 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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