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Bättre att spendera tiden på surf o lajfstajl o inte ha allt skitet 🙂
…and Jeff Tobias left Vari kites on the same day – might be something new brewing?
…that he shaves his balls only with fresh apples, and that’s he’s ever so happy about refined humour served with a twist of pink nipples…
All the prognogis promised was hot and wet…
Wow, nice!!! Big aloha
Tom I agree – didn’t watch the thing, but can understand you’d get pissed with the rest going on as well… if one bathing person get’s a kite in their head, that could be it for the spot… We have the same problems in copenhagen and it’s the same problem year after year
It’s not about following the rules for the sake of rules (who wants that?), it’s about kiters loosing their spots if too many shit in their own nest…
Fan hade gärna åkt över bron men e i Berlin där…
skotten;536024 wrote:he likes to touch his own nipples in the shower with a pink showercap on.
Arh don’t be a prude, who doesn’t? No shame in being in touch with your nipplier side, be it with a purple powersander, your girlfriends pink scrupping glove or bodydragging naked through the Habo nudist beach with a satisfied grin – whatever fancies your pleasure :smirk:
TomW;526252 wrote:Fuckin hell! The world is falling apart and the youth of today are degenerating.
A juice machine and yoga meditation. Whats next? Bird Watching?
Pour some tequila on those mixes.
Hahaha Loool 😀
Tom, let me translate
Juice machine =
Bird Watching =
It’s all good man :cool2: