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skotten;517124 wrote:ahh haaa… I thought my newly shaved underlife would have helped.. my wetsuit is fine, but I cant get over how quickly my balls eat my undies… good to know I am not alone
Your balls grinding away your undies can have several sources:
1) Rough hair on the balls, this can be solved simply by shaving your nuts.
2) Although shaving your nuts can remove the coarse grinding hair, it can produce rough stubbles that tear holes in you undies faster than the original coarse hair. Shave ’em regularly. This gives you stubblefree nuts, where the hair or stubbles are no longer eating your undies. Happy days.
3) But even when shaving regurlarly (fast to do while you’re shaving your face and arse anyway) sometimes the rough folding skin covering your nuts can now eat away your undies… what to do?
= BOTOX gentlemen!!! This will keep your nuts smooth as tefloncovered eggs and shiny as a cadillac. No more eating away your undies, the ladies will love your new shiny & smooth nuts and let’s be honest… touching your nuts will be a whole new pleasurable experience which can kill time in waiting lines, traffic, waiting on the bus etc.
plus as an added bonus, the much dreaded pung-sweat will slide of those teflonsmooth eggs – say goodbye to revealing-smelly hands.
Eller hur?
Jäklar det e et must have item 😀
SamHansson;514548 wrote:hittade de nu, -Mbira Beat heter gruppen
najs, tak 🙂
😀 😀 😀 ROFL
If I could give you another aloha I would…
Falsterbo;506618 wrote:Redsnapper i Malmö, killen säljer våtdräkter handskar mm. Butiken finns på friisgatan nära chokladfabriken
Jepp, Matthew e skittrevlig o har allt gött i the shop (XCEL, Ripcurl mm.) o har skitbra service med – o han ger oftast en milk&tea när man lär kjenna honom… o iblannt händar det att nån brud råkar prova bikini när man e där :smirk:
Ontopsport, Kiteboarder.se o Red Snapper e fan 3 bra bjud på buy local…
skotten;506369 wrote:yeah henks is right… he aint all that clued up on kite stuff and I genuinely believe he doenst know he is selling overpriced old gear.
http://www.ontopsports.comalways the chance to try on stuff and of course discount given to large purchases backed up by on the beach customer service, spareparts etc.. It just doesnt get any better than that..
visit kent and you will get your hands on the 09 mystic stuff as well..
Yeah buy local!
hildingdude;506503 wrote:Sjukt att man måste bumpa tråden när vi har en världsfyra från sverige!
Grymt Mike!!!
Gitt som faaaiiiin
Hadlow var iofs bara 14 när han använde den… o han gör det inte längre
Det här e ju fan vuxna killar… :confused2:
Fan dom var fina :tongue:
Danskjävlarna e bakom er :cool2:
Medlem6 augusti, 2008 vid 11:09 som svar på: they say.. that you like your women, to be like your BOMMine is sandy and dirty and gives me fingercramps… but I like her that way