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  • mrpop

    9 juli, 2010 vid 06:49 som svar på: 2011-tråden

    Goya Quad:



  • mrpop

    9 juli, 2010 vid 06:44 som svar på: 2011-tråden




    A new fin box system has arrived- thanks to Fabien Vollenweider the multi fin board world will be a better place!
    What is it? A super light and functional finbox system allowing for slight adjustments and a huge weight savings over conventional boxes. The new Slot Box uses two side screws to lock the fin in place. Once tightened, the fins will not move. The screw heads are the same as your footstrap screws so no additional tools are required, you can make easy adjustments and dial in the setting that works best for your conditions.
    Advantages: Weight, weight and strength! That is right, less weight and more strength. A normal box is in the 300 gram range while the new Slot Box comes in at less than 80 grams. With the new multi fin boards, 4 boxes add up to a lot of weight and this weight savings is very welcomed.
    Are my old fins useless? Absolutely not – The Slot Box system allows for your old fins to fit right in. Take out the pin and trim down the base and you can use your old trusty fins for years to come.
    After 2 years of developing a new finbox system for Tabou’s multi fin boards, Fabien gave the rights to any and all brands to use this system free of charge. “I believe this is the best system to use for multi fin boards- it is simple, light, strong and proven. If every brand has to come up with their own design, everybody will suffer- fin manufacturers and mostly the consumer! This new system will enable a huge revolution to the way windsurfing boards perform and adapt to different conditions. I am happy to share with everyone to promote this new box, this is the future” comments Fabien.

    The US Box will stay as a standard for single fin wave boards for the future – they have been time tested and proven.
    • And mini-tuttles and other systems?
    •• I did not used the mini tuttle boxes due to the fact that the screw is sometimes under the heel and it can create a weak spot as well as being uncomfortable for the rider. The other thing is that you can’t move the fin forward or backwards, it is locked into one position. This is a very important thing on quads as the more the fins are apart, the more the board will have a carvy feeling. The closer they are together the looser the board will be – I believe it is good to have options.
    • In your opinion, how do the Slot Box performs better or worse than the current US Box?
    •• I started on the design of this Slot Box 2 year ago and went to Cobra to offer it as an open platform so that every brand can use it and those who want to improve design can. Cobra did offer their knowledge in composite structure to get the strength of the box. Starboard stepped in and came up with the great idea to use a philips head screw instead of the allen screw that I had originaly designed.
    I have left this fin box system free (no royalty) and open platform because i think it’s the only way to get the same system on every board so we don’t have to make 20 different fin types for different brands- that hurts the end consumer. We can’t afford to have too many finbox systems on our market to respect our dealer and customer.
    Third party fin companys could offer fins that fit US and Slot Box with minor changes made by the shop when you buy a set of fins – this should make stock management much easier for them.
    We have been testing these systems for 2 years on our team riders multifin boards to be sure of relaibility. You can see those on many pictures of the boards from Thomas, Alex and Ross used this past year.
    We are now testing single fins with this box to check reliability.
    The great thing about the Slot Box is the weight savings. A classic US box weighs a bulky 300g with its dense, plastic fibre-nylon molding and a composite PVC/PU foam/Glass fibre box wrapped around it. The Slot Box weighs just 77 grams. When you look at modern wave boards with two, three, four or even five finboxes, these weight savings add up to something pretty interesting.
    The other advantage of the Slot Box is its dimensions: it uses the same dimensions as US boxes which means that current US base fins fit inside once the pin has been removed. Slot Box have 3cm of adjustment room (front/back). Slot Boxes use two specially designed side screws to lock the fin in place. These screws hold the fin in and also apply sideways pressure. This ensures that there’s always zero wobble in the fin once fitted. For convenience, the screws’ head are designed to fit with the same screwdriver as the one used for footstraps and air-valve fitting.
    • How important is the concept of uniformity of fin systems going forward?
    •• I believe it is very important- I think in the past we had a mess with all the different fin boxes. It was hard for the manufactures and a bummer for the consumer that wanted a new board- not only might he have to change his favorite fin, he might not be able to find it available 3 years down the road in the box his new board has.
    • And mini-tuttles and other solutions?
    •• I think we as an industry need to get together and make things simple for the consumer. If all the brands use this box then we won’t have a problem. That is why I am making it available for every brand to use.
    • Is this all just about multifin and wave sailing?
    •• For now just multifin – we are working on reliability for bigger fins.
    • What about larger boards and stress loads. What solutions can you see for keeping the benefits and strength of powerboxes but for similar weight loss advantages like the Slot Box?
    •• Power box is already as light as it can be.
    • Thanks for your time and informations!
    •• You are mostly welcome!!!

  • mrpop

    8 juli, 2010 vid 13:30 som svar på: 2011-tråden

    Starboard kommer med två varianter för alla alternativ på fenuppsättningar:


    quad iq 74,77,82,87,92

    evo iq 71, 76, 81, 86

  • mrpop

    23 mars, 2010 vid 13:21 som svar på: WEED FIN discussion with C3

    Nya weed fenor från Choco. Weed Speed 2 & Weed Slalom med 45 graders rake:

  • mrpop

    2 mars, 2010 vid 22:03 som svar på: Surfabstinens- köpa freestylefena

    Choco Royal flush kommer i en ny shape 2010:

  • mrpop

    28 februari, 2010 vid 16:35 som svar på: Surfabstinens- köpa freestylefena

    Varför tror du Tonky Frans, Taty Frans, Kiri Thode, Gollito Estredo, Kevin Mevissen, Normen Günzlein och Steven Van Broeckhoven kör på Choco och inte MFC?

  • mrpop

    16 oktober, 2009 vid 12:35 som svar på: Goyas segel och brädor?

    Bästa powervågseglet enligt boardseekermag:

    ”The Goya W3D was a favourite amongst our test Clones. Not the most powerful sail in this test but arguably the best wave sail. It feels light in the hands, manoeuvrable and lot of fun to use.”

  • mrpop

    2 juli, 2009 vid 13:19 som svar på: Twinfin på 2010orna? -Hur sker utvecklingen?
  • mrpop

    2 juli, 2009 vid 10:36 som svar på: Brädval – igen

    Gå på en Freestyle/Wave crossover bräda runt 95 liter istället. 110 liter är onödigt stort.

  • mrpop

    25 maj, 2009 vid 08:24 som svar på: Resultat Freestyle Haga Park 21-23 maj

    Hittar bara resultat för LD och speed. Ingen komplett resultatlista för freestyle?
    För det var väl inte bara 3 personer i varje klass?

  • mrpop

    25 maj, 2009 vid 07:35 som svar på: Resultat Freestyle Haga Park 21-23 maj

    Har du ingen komplett resultatlista?

  • mrpop

    25 mars, 2009 vid 07:47 som svar på: B som i Bringdal

    Det är ju riktigt kul att Bringdal är på g igen och verkar satsa i år.

  • mrpop

    9 mars, 2009 vid 12:23 som svar på: RS:Racing evoII

    Jag har hört att en massa lattor gått sönder…

  • mrpop

    19 februari, 2009 vid 14:04 som svar på: Hört på stranden….

    Jag tror AB kommer vinna någon eller några PWA tävlingar i år.

  • mrpop

    16 februari, 2009 vid 11:28 som svar på: Drops stubby 110, 2006

    Jag rekommenderar dig att kolla runt lite bland olika modeller. Det finns en hel del bra brädor i den storleken.

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