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  • petter_f

    6 november, 2008 at 21:43 in reply to: Äspet gick av……..

    @Doc 514130 wrote:

    Första bilden är magisk!

    Yep, would get my vote if it was in the ‘Bästa svenska vindsurfingbilden – kvalificering!’ thread. 😀

  • petter_f

    6 november, 2008 at 07:57 in reply to: Var i skåne på torsdag?

    @oloand 513906 wrote:

    Ska till Klagshamn på eftermiddagen (ca 14.30)… Är det fler som ska dit?

    Yep, ska ge det ett försök. Men närmare 12.00 tror jag. Hoppas bara att jag inte fastnar i sjögräset (och jag menar när man ramlar i). It’s been diabolical lately.

  • petter_f

    23 oktober, 2008 at 21:17 in reply to: mega weed?

    Howdy, I’ve never had big fins so I can’t come with any relevant info… apart from recommending you to NOT get a Prolimit weed (am not one hundred sure about model name). I too sail in Skåne (Klagshamn has wicked seaweed in close at the moment) and it gathers more weed than my other fins from T-Zone and On Top Sports). In fact, I have never noticed these fins picking up weed.

    The angle on the Prolimit is not sloped back enough. I’d send it back to the shop I bought it from but I’ve chopped it down in size… oh well.

  • petter_f

    10 oktober, 2008 at 08:37 in reply to: Hur många vindsurfande par finns i Sverige?

    Vi med 🙂

  • petter_f

    6 oktober, 2008 at 20:10 in reply to: Trimproblem hjälp

    Armen fylls snabbt med mjölksyra och i hård vind blir problemet väldigt påtagligt.

    If this is the sensation then as stefan_gbg says, adjust your harness lines until you are balanced on the boom and not fighting with either arm, even if they are ‘measured’ correctly. The angle you sail onto or off the wind (predominantly) might mean small adjustments forwards or back are needed.

    Dessutom är kontrollen på grejjerna sämre åt detta hållet. Kan nämna att ibland vill även brädan gå upvind vid start när jag ska köra åt detta hållet.

    This might to relate to whether you are goofy or natural footed, when surfing, skateboarding snowboarding etc. One way is going to be more able until you train that away. After years of sailing I jump and am better on speed-runs on starboard but only now am focusing on getting better on my weaker side.

    My wife, whose been planing for a couple of seasons now quite often remarks about one direction being more difficult than the other, and always says that something strange is happening with the spot where we sail. I always put it down to that that is the direction where we have to focus on going (fight to go) upwind in order to get back to where we started. We’ve got rocks and a sandbank that, in some directions, means you go downwind to miss them and have to sail tight to the wind on the way back.

    Edit: Just looked at your profil and the larger pic of you (?) sailing. Your boom looks pretty low which make it more difficult to stand up and put your weight out onto the boom and thus sheet in. Okay, it might be your old sail in overpowered conditions, which makes it more challenging, but could be something to consider. So get someone to check out your overall stance if you haven’t made big changes since that pic.

  • petter_f

    6 oktober, 2008 at 10:10 in reply to: Bättre grepp

    @NisseX3M 505641 wrote:

    Köp ett SATS kort 🙂

    Classic 😀

  • petter_f

    3 oktober, 2008 at 14:37 in reply to: Varmaste våt(torr?)dräkten

    @Supasonic 500285 wrote:

    Passa dig för NPs torrkedjor. Kedjan i min dräkt lade av helt efter knappt två år. Dålig gummikvalitet, den fransar upp sig och spricker. Detta trots att jag skött om den med paraffinvax som sig bör 🙂 Har sett andra NP torrisar gå samma öde till mötes.

    Just for the record and wanting to have a bitch… this has just happened to my NP 4000 5/4 with horizontal drysuit zip. The zipper just splits open now. It costs almost 3000kr to get a new zip put in. I paid 3000kr for the suit in 2005 and it bit the dust after only 30-40 uses… am p#%sed off to the max. They may have changed that type of zipper by now but I will never by NP again, even though I loved the suit.

    My wife’s NP3000 from 2005 was replaced because the very soft grey neoprene was totally shot after one year. This was replaced by the store, no questions asked, with a newer/improved 3000 model which seems fine so far. Creds to the shop… but not NP.

  • petter_f

    1 oktober, 2008 at 10:58 in reply to: Film från Sandy Point

    That’s not Sandy Point in Victoria though. SP doesn’t have any buildings in sight. But who cares, looks like a primo spot anyway. 🙂

  • petter_f

    23 september, 2008 at 12:42 in reply to: tull,tull?

    @U.Lilja 501915 wrote:

    Gåva kan vara en idé, men det är en annan historia.

    Quick note about gifts. The limit for a ‘gift’ is 500kr (which includes the postage cost too, I think).

    My brother just sent me a gift that was sent directly from a supplier in the US (eBay). This guy wrote the correct price on the package and I ended up paying 400kr (for something that cost my brother 750kr) to get it from the post office. Fees were duty + moms and the post office even took a 60kr fee for processing it all…. the bast#&ds!

  • petter_f

    22 september, 2008 at 16:18 in reply to: Bästa svenska vindsurfingbilden – kvalificering!

    @frippe75 501628 wrote:

    Tyvärr Platt ljus men men… Gislöv

    Det är det som är snyggt, grått och sen det orangea. Svenskt… 😉

  • petter_f

    20 september, 2008 at 16:42 in reply to: Hur många vindsurfare kitar också?

    @Roding 501232 wrote:

    Hur fick du din fru att börja? Försäker få min tjej att börja hon med..

    As much as I’d like to I can’t take much credit. Circumstances made it pretty easy for her to pick it up when we were back ‘home’ in Melbourne. My brother had a load of gear which included a Starboard Start (150-170L) which made it real easy to pick up quickly. And one day when the conditions were right down the coast at a perfect beginner spot (our speed spot) and it was thumping in, to her surprise she started planing. Then she realised what it was all about.

    She’s a pretty good skier and realised that this was a way she could get that adrenaline fix during non-winter months.

    Glad to say but… I’m one lucky man. 😉

  • petter_f

    20 september, 2008 at 10:30 in reply to: Hur många vindsurfare kitar också?

    @kinetic 501165 wrote:

    Vindsurfar…och äger komplett kite-utrustning, fast den har inte kommit till användning än*hahaha*

    Samma här. Har inte kite:at sen 3 år tillbaka sen min fru började v-surfa. Det var värt det.

  • petter_f

    15 september, 2008 at 15:58 in reply to: Slalom cup 2009 – Skåne cup

    Great idea. I remember my first ever race two autumns ago having just become a member at Klagshamn. I saw them having the pre-race meeting and someone prodded me and asked if I wasn’t going to join in. “Sure, why not”.

    Bang! Race on… kaos… adrenaline… everyone falling at the first mark. I didn’t care how I placed at the finish. Was a hoot to be part of the confusion.

    More racing… fun.

    [BTW does this post mean I have to pay 300kr rego fee?]

  • petter_f

    8 september, 2008 at 15:52 in reply to: laga mast???

    …and if you do repair it, there’s a good chance it’ll be weakened, break in two for real and take the sail out with it.

    New mast + new sail = $$$$$. 🙁

  • petter_f

    4 september, 2008 at 22:09 in reply to: Desperatly need used weed fin


    Right now I’m looking at my surf development by way of economics.

    1. 100kr for a crappy fin, or
    2. 10,000kr for a speed kit

    So realistically I’m waiting for Mr Bingo Lotto to smile on me, and in the meantime for my belly to grow considerably.


    [BTW I found a fin on sale real cheap so the prob is solved]

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