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  • petter_f

    12 juli, 2009 at 12:29 in reply to: Tidig planing

    As above and again good pumping technique.

  • petter_f

    12 juli, 2009 at 12:26 in reply to: Bilder grönhögen
    mattiasottosson;558631 wrote:
    En bild på styret som tydligen tappades bort i uppladdningen. Epic.

    Gives new meaning to a ‘table top’. Didn’t realise you are supposed to sit ontop of the table.

    Funniest ws pic I’ve seen. You gotta send it into Simmer or something.

  • petter_f

    8 juli, 2009 at 21:10 in reply to: Lite slalom träning i Habo (torsdag)?

    Just wondering – om ni får ihop tillräckligt surfare kommer det blir lite kompisrace p g? Eller bara tänkt bränna runt bojorna och nöta gipparna. Mycket osäker på om jag hinner upp till Habo men det skulle vara kul ju.

  • petter_f

    28 juni, 2009 at 20:04 in reply to: Max segel på 105L bräda?

    Sh%t vad bra, tack för alla svar!

    Ack, det är bara att testa, om det inte funkar så funkar inte det. Om det gör det… kul.

    Får se hur det blir, ska försöka hitta något uberbilligt mellan 6.8-7.2, beror på vad finns, och större fena.

    Jag återkommer om det blir av. 😉

  • petter_f

    26 juni, 2009 at 11:24 in reply to: Max segel på 105L bräda?

    Alltid bra med real world experience (Gustav S).

    Alternativ: Skulle en 34cm fena gör att jag kom upp och höll planing bättre än min 25cm weed fin, om jag höll mig till min 6.0 vågsegel?

  • petter_f

    18 juni, 2009 at 08:29 in reply to: Boka in midsommar

    So what do you locals say, not enough wind over the weekend to make a trip to Öland worthwhile?

  • petter_f

    16 juni, 2009 at 16:25 in reply to: Gipp, riggflippen.

    Bugger, just lost a post I was writing.

    Here is the jist of what I wrote:
    Great with pics. It looks like you aren’t carving the board in an even curve throughout the turn – you turn the board into the gybe, you switch your feet, then forget about continuing the (board) turn and focus on the rig flip leaving it at 90deg away from you forcing you to reach out and grab it. There is probably another dynamic playing in here forcing the board down wind but I’d have to break out the OH projector for that one. Footwork is key here, and where instructional videos (such as the one in the link Anders sent you) are well worth the money. I had been gybing okay for a couple of years, got a video and learned how to do them properly (should have invested much earlier) and got into really cranking them around.

    There are other things such as you being too far back on the board while initiating the gybe (unless this was more of a pivot/quick gybe), holding the rig too close to you (which sinks the tail in even more, slowing your speed)… but it’s hard to know what is most important to address first. However, your step forward to the rig flip and balance once there, looks pretty solid.

    Check out Anders in his stills (see link) how his knees are driving (him/weight) forward, rig in front of him, sheeting in (this keeps the board tracking along its curve), and is able to commit his weight to the sails power once it is flipped – your a hero mate 😉 He is in a full planing gybe, but that’s the idea though isn’t it. 😀

    PS Don’t worry about a new harness, how would we otherwise know it was you out on the water?

  • petter_f

    16 juni, 2009 at 11:06 in reply to: Gipp, riggflippen.

    Bit difficult without being able to actually see it in action. As I am not an instructor I might be coming from totally the wrong end, but one thing that comes to mind is that if the rig is getting away from you after the flip, meaning that you start reaching/bending forward for it, is that you could think about keeping the mast 90deg to the board through the turn (or even a bit more into the wind). This means that when you carve into and through the turn the mast is leaning towards the wind, so when you flip the rig it stands up with most of the weight going down through the board centred on it’s own centre of balance.

    Maybe that is that you mean when you write “drar masten bakåt och flippar seglet” but that sounds like you pull it backwards towards the tail of the board (which might be correct also btw). I mean try leaning it into the turn. Eg. Often after I flip the rig by drawing it across me with the (old) front hand I let go of it completely, allowing it to pivot on its own balance point and catch it on the other side with both hands at the same time. I say this to illustrate how the mast is leaned in such a way that it stands balanced, therefore not pulling you out of the turn.

  • petter_f

    16 juni, 2009 at 07:37 in reply to: Vindsurf eller Kitesurf?
    Kramer;553411 wrote:
    Fördelar och ev nackdelar?
    … det verkar på nåt sätt friare, lite smidigare med utrustning och sånt och helt enkelt roligare.

    Kitat i 2 år men är tillbaks med vindsurfingen sen min fru började vindsurfa.

    To get past that stage of being a struggling beginner, when nothing goes right, to up and planing/cruising goes much faster with kiting. If you are lucky/talented you might be up and going after only a few weekends/sessions of kiting. At the risk of putting a time-frame on it, windsurfing can take a whole season to get to the same stage of kiting. Some people can be turned off by this.

    But when you’re up and planing both sports are just as exhilarating, leaving a smile and your heart pumping for hours.

    Tangled lines can happen but you get over that with good routine (my wife hated kiting because of this), as with self launching/landing. There is still a moment with self landing/launching when you don’t want anything unexpected to happen so I would say that it’s not always 100% secure, but with a buddy, no worries. That’s just the nature of the sport with it taking up so much space on land.

    Depending on where you live one might work better than the other. If you have nice open grassed or beach area then either kiting or windsurfing works. If you have trees coming down to the waters edge then kiting is more restrictive. (we are spoiled here in Skåne)

    With kiting you have less gear to lug around but both are set up just as quickly as each other. You could argue that kiting has more of a hip-factor if that does it for you. I didn’t become ‘really good’ at kiting so I can’t answer which one is more fun… if I had to, I would say both. 😉

    In areas of light wind you’ll get more time-on-water with a kite, and when it’s blowing stink probably more windsurfers (except for the experienced kiters) – if I was to generalise of course.

    My 2 cents worth.

    (PS oh, and when I’m rich and famous I am still considering to get a big kite for the non-windsurfing days.)

  • petter_f

    14 juni, 2009 at 07:33 in reply to: Skåne Slalom Cup, Förvarning Lördag 13 Juni – Klagshamn

    1. Var det Glenn som hade nummer 117 men på segel 711?
    2-3. Andra får svara på det.

  • petter_f

    13 juni, 2009 at 21:33 in reply to: Skåne Slalom Cup, Förvarning Lördag 13 Juni – Klagshamn

    Jo Tobbe, synd att vi f#%ckad upp din andra start och var tvungen att göra om den, det blev lite förvirrat i båten (oj vad guppigt det var). Sista heat blev det på riktigt i alla fall.

    Kul att korsa svärd på vatten med de stora pojkarna.

    Klang, jag är så nyfiken på var Putte hamnar i poängräkningen (utan att blöta en tå) med tänkte på hans flit med tärningen.

  • petter_f

    11 juni, 2009 at 22:24 in reply to: Fre eftermiddag…

    En tanke bara, om någon vill och har en bra kamera kan jag plåta lite från piren (min har dålig zoom), men bara när jag är slutkörd själv. Ni brukar sätta igång rätt sent.

  • petter_f

    9 juni, 2009 at 21:50 in reply to: Importera från EU-land

    Har använt Paypal många gånger för att betala eBay auktioner jag vunnit. De är en betalningsstandard. Var bara säkert på att det är Paypals site. Jag tror att hans emailadress är hans Paypal identitet. Det var ett tag sedan jag använde det men jag tror du måste skapa ett eget konto som du kopplar till ett kreditkort. Sen skickar han dig en faktura som du betalar – så har det funkat för mig i alla fall. Det finns kanske andra variationer på betalningssätt.

  • petter_f

    8 juni, 2009 at 16:14 in reply to: Container / Förvaringsplats Habo Ljung?
    Joachim_Larsson;551806 wrote:
    … vår box är klart mera flexibel då man inte behöver beblanda sig med andras grejer.

    … that’s a good selling point. Major bummer if the last guy or gal forgot to lock up, and come the next day to see the container door wide open with everyone else’s stuff ransacked too.

  • petter_f

    2 juni, 2009 at 22:48 in reply to: Spänna lattor, hur hårt?

    Att spänna latten (detaljbeskrivning finns i denna tråd): [ame=”″]Riggproblem –[/ame%5D

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