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Tack for din svar.
I just made the repair with a new fiberglass rod. It is 1mm (out of 10mm) less large than the original one….and 0,5mm (out of 4mm) thicker but was the closest one available at surf.se.
I understand there are many tips but I would dream that north have a clearly identified tips for the sail…it looks a bit like lottery right now.
And yes, I am de-rigging as per the book…. Down-all first and cam and out all. The only thing I might make bad is the rigging, I might not pull the wish before snapping in the cam…
Plettil -
Det har varit en bra midsommarafton eftermiddagen med 7.8, 7-9ms, solen skiner… 2timmar session in Norra Näs!
Fint spot! 🙂 -
@lbj 723529 wrote:
Min hemmaspot Öckerö levererade…
Var är din hemmaspot i Öckerö? Kan jag prova det idag, är det säker?
Tusen tack!
Plettil -
Good. I am not too ridiculous…. 😉
Yes i was… but played ”chicken”…. I stayed in the ”baby pool” area, did not go where the ”big guys” were… I did not feel so secure with that much wind and sail that I don’t know so well…
Otherwise my iPhone and GPSAR told me I was above 31knots… with a cleaned track …But I cannot qualify to ”king of the fjord”… iPhone is not GPS authorized… :frown:5 best 10 second (at least) average = 58,06km/h [31,35Knots]
10 second run n°1 = 63,19km/h [34,12Knots] (175,5 m. in 10,000 s.) –
10 second run n°2 = 58,82km/h [31,76Knots] (163,4 m. in 10,000 s.) –
10 second run n°3 = 58,70km/h [31,69Knots] (163,1 m. in 10,000 s.) –
10 second run n°4 = 54,84km/h [29,61Knots] (152,3 m. in 10,000 s.) –
10 second run n°5 = 54,75km/h [29,56Knots] (152,1 m. in 10,000 s.) –given the precision of iphone, this is more realistic :
5 best 250 meter (at least) average = 55,47km/h [29,95Knots]
250 meter run n°1 = 58,78km/h [31,74Knots] (261,2 m. in 16,000 s.) –
250 meter run n°2 = 58,18km/h [31,41Knots] (258,6 m. in 16,000 s.) –
250 meter run n°3 = 54,36km/h [29,35Knots] (256,7 m. in 17,000 s.) –
250 meter run n°4 = 53,90km/h [29,10Knots] (254,5 m. in 17,000 s.) –
250 meter run n°5 = 52,15km/h [28,16Knots] (260,8 m. in 18,000 s.) –first time over the 31knots for me….. :cool2: I am competing in the antik and inappropriate class …. :laugh: wave anti weed fin on 24years old slalom board with a 2007 KA koncept 5.8…. 24years old alu wish….
what about you guys? what are the results?
I’ll be there in ca 2h then…. :). Want to try TT by west…
Thanks Jester! I know that one but I don’t know the correlation by west wind, sorry. :(. What I see in charmers stuff is what can be found in TT +/- by west?
Tack! -
Bra tack! Anders!
How is it now 15h00 in TT? I am hesitating between Björlanda and TT and since I work in Hinsingen… Tell me… 🙂 -
Is it working well in TT by west? Any one in the area for a report?
Good session for me yesterday! 7.8 S-type and 115l bee and my 80kg…
Plettil -
Medlem10 maj, 2014 vid 21:06 som svar på: Byta till Avanti echo och F2 rodeo men vart köpa?For Avanti sails, drop a mail to the address on the web site, a year ago there was some discussion with a Scandinavian distributor.
Plettil -
What about north sail? They are warrantied 3 years or so.
I am not a PWA racer and I am light, seems good enough. What do you think?Mvh,
Plettil -
L’aber Wrach är också mycket fint. Lite olika västkustens, men det är inte så sakers för vinden på v28. Du ska fråga på W33 forumet i engelska vad är bättre mellan Port Bacares och Gien.
Lycka til.
Plettil -
Tack alla,
Det varit riktigt bra med Claes i Hotfrog dekor. För lite mer an Lasse, vit bakgrund rektangel och svart siffrorna. Tjänster och kontakt ha varit perfekt.
Plettil -
Ja, jag är säker. 🙂 Jag kört det 6ggr. 😉
Du är rät! Jag vill sälja min 36us Box och köpa en mindre men köpare är inte intresse. De vill ha tuttle box. så vill jag hitta någon att byta huvudet till tuttle. Om sälja det inte, jag ska korta det lite, 4-5cm. Det vill bli ”good enough”